Jaarverslag 2016: TomTom

2016 was voor TomTom het 25ste levensjaar. Ze begonnen, zo schrijft de CEO, met meter reading software for hendheld devices. App developing avant la lettre, by producing portable navigation devices. In´t het hart is Tomtom een Software technology bedrijf. "En Big data begon toen location traces startte."

Het bedrijf zegt goed gepositioneerd te zijn voor automatic driving, dit zorgt voor een grote kans voor Tomtom.

Our activities are organised around three businesses: Automotive & Licensing, Telematics and Consumer

People first, entrepreneurial, accessible, not standing still, trust and democratisation. These key values are the 'red thread' that binds the TomTom culture.
These values are at the core of TomTom. Being able to think for yourself, taking risks and
ownership and showing accountability are traits that can be found in almost every employee, at every level in the organisation. At TomTom, everyone acts as a business owner. Everyone is accountable.

In 2016, our R&D cash spending totalled to €283 million, an increase of 6% compared with 2015. We have over 3,100 people working in R&D across 36 countries.

27 automotive (133 miljoen automotive, 136 milj licencing: tot revenue 269 miljoen)
16% telematics (hardware 37 miljoen, subscription revenue 118, total 155 miljoen)
57% consumer (cons products omzet 500 miljoen, automotive hardware 61 milj, total 563 miljoen)

Ebitda, bijdrage per business: Automotive 56%, telematics 40% en consumer (slechts) 4%

Our Automotive & Licensing business provides maps and map-based components for customers to integrate into their applications. Our product portfolio includes live map feeds including traffic,

APIs for search and routing, device software and supporting products.

TomTom's flagship service, TomTom Traffic, has been continuously expanding its coverage reaching 54 countries in the beginning of 2017.

Our Telematics business provides a range of services for businesses with a fleet of connected vehicles. These telematics services are provided to customers through a web browser, in reports that can be shared, through mobile phone applications or through an API that allows other systems to access the

Our Consumer business is creating a range of sports watches and activity trackers, portable navigation devices, mobile phone navigation applications and action cameras.

Strategic priorities
Through our technology capabilities, we are well positioned to capture growth opportunities
across our Automotive & Licensing, Telematics and Consumer businesses. Many of our growth
opportunities are driven by big industry trends, including Wearables, Connected Car, Autonomous Driving and Smart City.

Management board, bestaat uit de CEO, CFO en een extra Board member (teleatlas)

Culture - Human resources, enkele cijfers:
  • 54 offices in 35 landen
  • 29% is vrouw
  • 852 nieuwe recruten in 28 landen
  • 4716 fte
We continue to develop and improve our career track programmes in Finance, Customer Care, Map Operations and Software Development.

In 2016, TomTom's graduate programme continued to attract top talent. We attracted over 1,600 graduates from around the world (up by 150% from 2015). Graduates came from top tier
universities: MIT, ESSEC, HEC, LSE, and Imperial College London. Due to the very rigorous selection process we have in place for graduates, we only hired six in 2016. It is an elite programme, and we only make offers to the very highest calibre of candidates. For 2016, we hired Product Managers and Marketing Managers, Mobile Developers and Test Engineers. The graduate programme continues to recruit the strongest performing employees who deliver significant results for the business

Het bedrijf promoot een lerende cultuur:
Enabling our people's development and growth is key to delivering our 'Achieve More' promise to employees.

In 2016, we launched Lynda, the online platform for learning. Lynda proved to be a success with over 1,624 course hours completed and 100% participation of registered users.

Prerequisites for leadership at TomTom:
Drive: a continuous hunger for success through tenacity and the ability to endure even the most difficult situations. (en verder: Adaptability, Smart & curious, Integrity)
Zou "Drive" ook een symbolische waarde hebben?

Dan zijn er ook 5 leiderschaps fundamenten (pijlers).

Strategic risks
1. establish a multi-product consumer business
2. grow automotive business
3. reputation
4. productivity and scalability in map business in shorter cyclus time

En dan komen de tweede kwartaalcijfers en daarin meldt het bedrijf / na opnieuw tegenvallende omzet en winst voor de consumententak, dat het hiervan afscheid gaat nemen. Dat was precies het no #1 risico, dat de consumenten tak niet winstgevend wordt.

Het bedrijf haalt er de hoogste omzet, maar ook - al staat dat niet vermeld - zitten hier natuurlijk heel wat medewerkers. Dat gaat natuurlijk en grote impact op de cultuur krijgen. En qua profiel verandert er dan ook veel, van een B2C-bedrijf wordt de essentie een B2B-onderneming. Nogal een verschil.


Eerste halfjaarresultaten, en outlook:

bron: N. Inberg


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