Ander idee voor Boektitel: de waarheid omtrent...

De waarheid, misschien wel het beste idee voor een boektitel. Het in ongelooflijk hoeveel titels je met de waarheid erin (verpakt) tegenkomt. De lijst lijkt oneindig:
  • The Search for Truth,a Man Known as Salman the Persian
  • The Truth About Original Sin,Abdul-Hadi al-Qahtani
  • The Religion of Truth,Abdur Rahman bin Hammad al-Omar
  • Outlaws: The Truth About Australian Bikers,Adam Shand 

  • The Truth About Denial: Bias and Self-Deception in Science, Politics, and Religion, Adrian Bardon
  • Operation Eichmann: the truth about the pursuit, capture and trial of Adolf Eichmann, Aharoni Zvi;Dietl Wilhelm;Eichmann Adolf
  • The Truth about Weight Lifting: (Original Version, Restored), Alan Calvert
  • The Shocking Truth,Albert Coe
  • Science secrets: the truth about Darwin's finches, Einstein's wife, and other myths, Alberto A. Martinez
  • "Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence",Alex Berenson
  • Stop garbage: The truth about recycling,Alex Pascual
  • Marine A: The truth about the murder conviction,Alexander Blackman
  • The truth about Soviet whaling: A memoir,Alfred Berzin
  • "Socialism, markets and democracy",Amartya Sen
  • Going Somewhere: Truth about a Life in Science,Andrew A. Marino
  • The Truth about Allergy: The Amazing Recipes to Reduce the Effects,Angel Burns
  • Llewellyn's Truth About Chakras,Anodea Judith
  • Financial Markets and Institutions,Anthony Saunders Marcia Cornett
  • Telling the Truth about History,AppleJoyce Oldham;Hunt Lynn;Jacob Margaret C
  • The Way of Truth,as-Sa’di
  • The Truth About Men and Love,Athanasiou Julie;Wood Peter
  • "Indefensible: the missing truth about Steven Avery, Teresa Halbach, and making a murderer",Avery Steven;Griesbach Michael
  • Talking about nothing: truth with or without objects,Azzouni Jody
  • Telling Yourself the Truth,Backus William;Chapian Marie
  • The equality illusion: the truth about women and men today,Banyard Kat
  • Living with a wild god: a nonbeliever's search for the truth about everything,Barbara Ehrenreich
  • The essential difference the truth about the male and female brain,Baron-Cohen Simon
  • "It is about islam: Exposing the Truth About ISIS, Al Qaeda, Iran, and the Caliphate",Beck Glenn
  • "Weed, Inc.: The Truth about the Pot Lobby, Thc, and the Commercial Marijuana Industry",Ben Cort
  • Papa Doc: The Truth About Haiti Today,Bernard Diederich; Al Burt; Graham Greene
  • Saudi America: The Truth About Fracking and How It’s Changing the World,Bethany McLean
  • "The Truth about China Propaganda, Patriotism and the Search for Answers.",Bill Birtles
  • Pushed: the painful truth about childbirth and modern maternity care,Block Jennifer
  • America's Deadliest Export: Democracy - The Truth About US Foreign Policy and Everything Else,Blum William
  • "The Baand the Bathwater or, Post-Partum Repression: The Unspeakable Truth about Processed World",Bob Black; Fred Woodworth; Gerry Reith; Anti-Authoritarians Anonymous; Stephanie Klein; Feral Ranter; Brian Kane; Lawrence Jarach
  • Voices from the Dark Years: The Truth About Occupied France 1940-1945,Boyd Douglas
  • Nothing but the Truth,Bradtke Thomas; Fortmann Stefan; Röhrs Werner
  • The Truth About Everything,Brianna Wiest
  • Web of debt: the shocking truth about our money system and how we can break free,Brown Ellen Hodgson
  • Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth About Our Money System and How We Can Break Free,Brown Ellen Hodgson
  • The Truth About Psychics,Browne Sylvia
  • "Inventing the Axis of Evil: The Truth About North Korea, Iran, and Syria",Bruce Cumings; Moshe Ma’oz; Ervand Abrahamian
  • The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas,Burkus David
  • The Truth Circle,Cameron Ayers [Ayers Cameron]
  • "How we learn: the surprising truth about when, where and why it happens",Carey Benedict
  • Alternative Cancer Treatment for 21th Century: The Untold Truth About Cancer,Carl W. Lee
  • "What We Owe: Truth, Myths, and Lies about Public Debt",Carlo Cottarelli
  • The great white hoax: the suppressed truth about the pharmaceutical industry [American freedom vs. medical power],Catalano Robert E
  • The Truth About Hiring the Best,Cathy Fyock
  • Contented cows still give better milk: the plain truth about employee engagement and your bottom line,Catlette Bill;Hadden Richard
  • The Truth About Great White Sharks,Cerullo Mary M.;Rotman Jeffrey L
  • "The clitoral truth, 2nd edition : about pleasure, orgasm, female ejaculation, the g-spot, and masturbation",Chalker Rebecca
  • Truth,Chase Wrenn
  • Our patchwork nation: the surprising truth about the ''real'' America,Chinni Dante;Gimpel James
  • Leading and Supportive Love - The Truth About Dominant and Submissive Relationships,Chris M. Lyon
  • Tripping over the Truth,Christofferson Travis
  • Coming to term: uncovering the truth about miscarriage,Cohen Jon
  • "Nixon's secrets: the rise, fall, and untold truth about the president, Watergate, and the pardon",Colapietro Mike;Nixon Richard Milhous;Stone Roger
  • The Truth They Won’t Tell You (And Don’t Want You To Know) About the EU,COLEMAN Dr Vernon
  • "The unexpected truth about animals stoned sloths, lovelorn hippos and other wild tales",Cooke Lucy
  • The truth about Tesla: the myth of the lone genius in the history of innovation,Cooper Christopher;Tesla Nikola
  • Power to save the world: the truth about nuclear energy,Cravens Gwyneth
  • Llewellyn's Truth About Witchcraft,Cunningham Scott
  • The Shadow President: The Truth About Mike Pence,D'Antonio Michael;Eisner Peter
  • The Truth About Trump,D'Antonio Michael;Trump Donald
  • C# for Financial Markets,Daniel J. Duffy; Andrea Germani
  • I Can’t Believe You Just Said That: The Truth About Why People Are So Rude,Danny Wallace
  • I Can’t Believe You Just Said That: The Truth About Why People Are So Rude,Danny Wallace
  • Delivered Desire: The Encouraging Truth About Christians & Sexual Purity,Daryl Wingerd [Wingerd Daryl]
  • "Fast Carbs, Slow Carbs: The Truth About Weight, Why We're Sick, and How to Stay Alive",David A. Kessler
  • "In Deep: The FBI, the CIA, and the Truth about America's \""Deep State\""",David Rohde
  • Don't Believe a Word: The Surprising Truth About Language,David Shariatmadari
  • The Truth About Lies and Lies About Truth: A Fresh New Look at the Cunning of Evil and the Means for Our Transformation,David Takle
  • TTIP The Truth about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership,De Ville Ferdi;Siles-Brügge Gabriel
  • Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation,Devra Davis
  • Throwaway nation: the ugly truth about American garbage,Dondero Jeff
  • The Secret Life of Fish: The Astonishing Truth about our Aquatic Cousins,Doug Mackay-Hope
  • Lockerbie: The Truth,Douglas Boyd
  • The Metaphysics of Truth,Douglas Edwards
  • "Real marriage: the truth about sex, friendship & life together",Driscoll Grace; Driscoll Mark
  • Financial markets and institutions,Eakins Stanley G.; Mishkin FredericS
  • The Truth About Money,Edelman Ric
  • Withdrawn traces: searching for the truth about Richey Manic,Edwards Richey;Noakes Leon;Roberts Sara Hawys
  • Living With a Wild God: A Nonbeliever's Search for the Truth About Everything,Ehrenreich Barbara
  • Truth about Sexual Behavior and Unplanned Pregnancy,Elissa Howard-Barr
  • Things like the Truth,Ellen Gilchrist
  • "The Truth About ROCKEFELLER: \""Public Enemy No. 1\""",Emanuel M. Josephson
  • The Truth About Modern Slavery,Emily Kenway
  • The Truth About Forgiveness,England Maurice;MacArthur John
  • "Thank You for Voting: The Maddening, Enlightening, Inspiring Truth About Voting in America",Erin Geiger Smith
  • False Alarm: The Truth About Political Mistruths in the Trump Era (Elements in American Politics),Ethan Porter & Thomas J Wood
  • On eating meat: the truth about its production and the ethics of eating it,Evans Matthew
  • Architects of intelligence the truth about AI from the people building it,Ford Martin R
  • The last real gangster: the final truth about the Krays and the underworld we lived in,Foreman Freddie;Hardy Tom;Kray Reginald;Kray Ronald
  • Running with the Krays: The Final Truth About the Krays and the Underworld We Lived In,Foreman Freddie;Kray Reginald;Kray Ronald;Kurylo Frank;Kurylo Noelle;Woods Paul A
  • The Whole Truth About Whole Numbers: An Elementary Introduction to Number Theory,Forman Sylvia; Rash Agnes M
  • "Mastering the Commodities Markets: A step-by-step guide to the markets, products and their trading",Francesca Taylor
  • The Truth (with jokes),Franken Al
  • Nutrition facts: the truth about food,Frazier Karen
  • Financial Markets and Institutions,Frederic S. Mishkin; Stanley Eakins
  • The Assault on Truth,Freud Sigmund;Masson Jeffrey Moussaieff
  • The unmade bed: the messy truth about men and women in the 21st century,Fulford Sarah;Marche Stephen
  • "The truth about carpal tunnel syndrome: finding answers, getting well",Gambaro Jill
  • Human on the Inside Unlocking the Truth about Canada's Prisons,Garrison Gary
  • The Truth About the Tarot,Gerald Suster
  • "Relative Truth, Ultimate Truth: The Foundation of Buddhist Thought",Geshe Tashi Tsering
  • The Truth About Green Business,Gil Friend
  • The Truth About Soviet Russia,Gil Green
  • Gene Eating: The Science of Obesity and the Truth about Dieting,Giles Yeo
  • Am I Enough?: Embracing the Truth About Who You Are,Grace Elaine Valentine
  • "The necessity of strangers: the intriguing truth about insight, innovations, and success",Gregerman Alan
  • The Truth About Using Facts AND Intuition in Decision Making,Gunther Robert E
  • Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth about Climate Change,Hamilton Clive
  • The Nature of Truth,Harold Joachim
  • "The Good Vices: From Beer to Sex, the Surprising Truth about What's Actually Good for You",Harry Ofgang; Erik Ofgang
  • The Truth About Woman,Hartley C. Gasquoine (Catherine Gasquoine)
  • The Truth About Book Reviews,Heather Hart
  • Logic: the question of truth,Heidegger Martin;Sheehan Thomas
  • Logic: The Question of Truth,Heidegger Martin;Sheehan Thomas
  • In Search of Adam: The Story of Man’s Quest for the Truth About His Earliest Ancestors,Herbert Wendt
  • Making Supper Safe: One Man's Quest to Learn the Truth about Food Safety,Hewitt Ben
  • Countering extremism in British schools?: the truth about the Birmingham Trojan Horse affair,Holmwood John;O'Toole Therese
  • Economics and Free Markets,Howard Baetjer
  • "The truth about Canada: some important, some astonishing, some truly appalling things all Canadians should know about our country",Hurtig Mel
  • "The Law Of Attraction: Myths, Scams and the Truth about Money and Wealth",Hutton George
  • "New art, new markets",Iain Robertson
  • Supporting the Truth,Ibn al-Qayyim
  • Markets and Justice,J. Roland Pennock; John W. Chapman
  • Capitol Punishment: The Hard Truth About Washington Corruption From America’s Most Notorious Lobbyist,Jack Abramoff
  • The Truth of Shadows,Jacob Peppers [Peppers Jacob]
  • The Truth in Painting,Jacques Derrida
  • The Truth About Rudolf Hess,James Douglas-Hamilton; James Douglas-Hamilton
  • The Truth About Confident Presenting,James O'Rourke
  • "The Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader: The \""Great Truth\"" about the \""Lost Cause\""",James W. Loewen Edward H. Sebesta
  • "The Truth about Crime: Sovereignty, Knowledge, Social Order",Jean Comaroff; John L. Comaroff
  • Throwaway Nation: The Ugly Truth about American Garbage,Jeff Dondero
  • The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism,Jemar Tisby
  • Why Have Kids? A New Mom Explores the Truth About Parenting and Happiness,Jessica Valenti
  • The Truth About Identity Theft,Jim Stickley
  • Bitchology: Truth and Lies about Who Men Love and Marry,Joe Bovino
  • "Media, Mania and the Markets",John Campbell William Bonner
  • Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics,John J. Mearsheimer
  • "America, Roosevelts - The Truth About Pearl Harbour",John T. Flynn
  • Moral Revolution: The Naked Truth About Sexual Purity,Johnson Bill;Vallotton Jason;Vallotton Kris
  • Murder at Camp Delta: A Staff Sergeant’s Pursuit of the Truth about Guantanamo Bay,Joseph Hickman
  • The Truth About Rockefeller: ’Public Enemy No. 1’; Studies In Criminal Psychopathy,JOSEPHSON Emanuel M.
  • Llewellyn's Truth About Chakras,Judith Anodea
  • Doing It: Women Tell the Truth About Great Sex,Karen Pickering
  • The Lies About Truth,Karl Renz
  • Strong Woman: The Truth About Getting to the Top,Karren Brady
  • Culture and prosperity: the truth about markets: why some nations are rich but most remain poor,Kay John Anderson
  • Macintosh ... the naked truth,KelScott
  • Breathe Freely! The Truth About Poison Gas,KENDALL James M.A. D.Sc. F.R.S.
  • Whitewash: the Disturbing Truth About Cow's Milk and Your Health,Keon Joseph
  • The Truth About Pay-Per-Click Search Advertising,Kevin Lee
  • Hidden Scourge: Exposing the Truth About Fossil Fuel Industry Spills,Kevin P. Timoney
  • Raised in Pimp City: The Uncut Truth About Domestic Human Sex Trafficking,King Armand
  • The Bad War: The Truth NEVER Taught About World War II,King M
  • Hunting the Truth,Klarsfeld Beate;Klarsfeld Serge
  • "The Truth about Leadership: The No-fads, Heart-of-the-Matter Facts You Need to Know",Kouzes James M. Posner Barry Z.
  • Wrestling with the Truth,Lauer Bruno
  • "The truth about rape: emotional, spiritual, physical, and sexual recovery from rape",Lauer Teresa
  • Grand Theft Childhood: The Surprising Truth About Violent Video Games and What Parents Can Do,Lawrence Kutner Ph.D.; Cheryl K. Olson Sc.D.
  • The Truth About Negotiations,Leigh L. Thompson
  • Health At Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight,Linda Bacon
  • The Black Widow: My web of secrets and the truth about my murder conviction,Linda Calvey
  • The Ponzi Factor: The Simple Truth About Investment Profits,Liu Tan
  • The Confederate and neo-Confederate reader: the ''great truth'' about the ''lost cause,Loewen James W.;Sebesta Edward
  • The Wine O'Clock Myth: The Truth About Women and Alcohol,Lotta Dann
  • "The Unexpected Truth about Animals: Stoned Sloths, Lovelorn Hippos, and Other Wild Tales",Lucy Cooke
  • "The glory of heaven: the truth about heaven, angels, and eternal life",MacArthur John
  • Slave The Hidden Truth about Your Identity in Christ,MacArthur John F
  • The Truth About Grace,MacArthur John F
  • The Truth About the Lordship of Christ,MacArthur John F
  • The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It,Marcia Angell
  • The Truth about Caffeine,Marina Kushner
  • Open to Desire: The Truth About What the Buddha Taught,Mark Epstein
  • The little book of emerging markets: how to make money in the world's fastest growing markets,Mark Mobius
  • The Truth About Getting the Best From People,Martha I. Finney
  • Architects of Intelligence: The truth about AI from the people building it,Martin Ford
  • Plucked!: The Truth About Chicken,Maryn McKenna
  • Plucked!: The Truth About Chicken,Maryn McKenna
  • The face on your plate: the truth about food,Masson Jeffrey Moussaieff
  • Washington’s dark secret : the real truth about terrorism and Islamic extremism,Maszka John
  • Washington’s Dark Secret: The Real Truth About Terrorism And Islamic Extremism,Maszka John
  • The Truth Pixie,Matt Haig
  • On Eating Meat: The truth about its production and the ethics of eating it,Matthew Evans
  • Truth About Innovation: A Small Book About Big Ideas,Max Mckeown
  • Vanished: the Truth About the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann,McCann Gerry;McCann Kate;Collins Danny;McCann Madeleine
  • Balaughs: the naked truth about the first year of mommyhood,McCarthy Jenny
  • Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth About Pregnancy and Childbirth,McCarthy Jenny
  • "Life laughs: the naked truth about motherhood, marriage, and moving on",McCarthy Jenny
  • "Love, lust & faking it: the naked truth about sex, lies and true romance",McCarthy Jenny
  • The Unshakable Truth,McDowell Sean;McDowell Josh
  • Attention all passengers: the truth about the airlines,McGee William J
  • Seeking Jordan: how I learned the truth about death and the invisible universe,McKay Jordan;McKay Matthew
  • Saudi America: the truth about fracking and how it's changing the world,McLean Bethany
  • "The Science of Monsters: The Truth about Zombies, Witches, Werewolves, Vampires, and Other Legendary Creatures",Meg Hafdahl Kelly Florence
  • The Truth About COVID-19,Mercola Joseph; Cummins Ronnie
  • The Truth about Language What It Is and Where It Came From,Michael Corballis
  • The Shadow President: The Truth About Mike Pence,Michael D’Antonio Peter Eisner
  • The Shadow President: The Truth About Mike Pence,Michael D’Antonio Peter Eisner
  • The Oxford Handbook of Truth,Michael Glanzberg (ed)
  • The Truth About Freud's Technique: The Encounter With the Real (Psychoanalytic Crossroads),Michael Guy Thompson
  • The Truth About What Customers Want,Michael R. Solomon
  • Terri the Truth,Michael Schiavo; Michael Hirsh
  • THE BAD WAR The Truth NEVER Taught About World War II,Mike King
  • The Stark Truth,misteeirene
  • The Truth Always Rises,Molly Mccord
  • "Who's the fairest of them all?: the truth about opportunity, taxes, and wealth in America",Moore Stephen L
  • The naked truth: a memoir,Morgan Leslie
  • The Paranormal Preacher: The Truth About Aliens and Area 51,Motal Darrell Gene
  • The truth about Camp David: the untold story about the collapse of the Middle East peace process,Munaẓẓamat at-Taḥrīr al-Filasṭīnīya;Swisher Clayton E
  • Inside the black box: the simple truth about quantitative trading,Narang Rishi K
  • The Truth About the New Rules of Business Writing,Natalie Canavor
  • The Coherence Theory of Truth,Nicholas Rescher
  • The Truth about Premature Ejaculation and Natural Solutions to Lasting Longer in Bed. . .,Nick Stanton
  • "Lean out: the truth about women, power, and the workplace",Orr Marissa
  • "The Truth About Spiritual Enlightenment: Bridging Science, Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta",P Shanmugam [P Shanmugam]
  • The Truth About Profiting from Social Networking,Patrice-Anne Rutledge
  • The Truth About Creativity,Patrick Harris
  • The Truth About Employee Engagement,Patrick M. Lencioni
  • Invisible Girls: Speaking the Truth about Sexual Abuse,Patti Feuereisen
  • The Truth About Selma: What Happened When the Cameras Left and the Marching Stopped,Paul Kersey
  • Your call is important to us: the truth about bullshit,Penny Laura
  • Analysing Cycles in Markets,Peter C. Oppenheimer
  • Money and Capital Markets,Peter Rose Milton Marquis
  • Hillsborough: The Truth,Phil Scraton
  • The Saudi Terror Machine: The Truth about Radical Islam and Saudi Arabia Revealed,Pierre Conesa
  • Drive: the Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us,Pink Daniel H
  • Pink: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us,Pink Daniel H
  • "To sell is human: the surprising truth about persuading, convincing, and influencing others",Pink Daniel H
  • "To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Persuading, Convincing, and Influencing Others",Pink Daniel H
  • Big secrets: the uncensored truth about all sorts of stuff you are never supposed to know,Poundstone William
  • Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth About Guilty Pleasure TV,Pozner Jennifer L
  • Reality bites back: the troubling truth about guilty pleasure tv,Pozner Jennifer L
  • Markets and Organization,R. Arena C. Longhi (auth.) Richard Arena Christian Longhi (eds.)
  • The Truth About Search Engine Optimization,Rebecca Lieb
  • The Truth About the Rothschilds,Richard Grove
  • The Truth About Making Smart Decisions,Robert E. Gunther
  • The Truth About the Shroud of Turin,Robert K. Wilcox
  • Getting at the Truth,Robert L. Millet
  • Adult ADD FactBook -- The Truth About Adult Attention Deficit Disorder,Ron Sterling
  • European Capital Markets Law,Rüdiger Veil (editor)
  • An ordinary man: the truth about Hotel Rwanda,Rusesabagina Paul;Zoellner Tom
  • Capital Markets,S. Gurusamy
  • The Truth About Paying Fewer Taxes,S. Kay Bell
  • The Post-Truth Business,Sean Pillot de Chenecey
  • "The Truth, the Lie and the Bible",Shadrock
  • "The Truth About Email Marketing, The",Simms Jenkins
  • "The Bible Is Not Great: The Truth About The Bible, Religion And God",Soren Sagan
  • The Truth About Managing People,Stephen P. Robbins
  • The Truth About Avoiding Scams,Steve Weisman
  • The Truth About Protecting Your IRAs and 401(k)s,Steve Weisman
  • The Truth about Trucking,Steven Zellers
  • The Ponzi Factor: The Simple Truth about Investment Profits,Tan Liu
  • The Truth About Germany and the World Wars,Terence Smart
  • Hell Riders: The Truth About the Charge of the Light Brigade,Terry Brighton
  • The Truth About the Irish,Terry Eagleton
  • Fake Law: The Truth About Justice in an Age of Lies,The Secret Barrister
  • The Ascent to Truth,Thomas Merton
  • Visual Theology Study Guide: Seeing and Understanding the Truth About God,Tim Challies; Josh Byers
  • What Philosophers Should Know About Truth,Tim Crane Jeff Malpas Fred Stoutland
  • Criminal: The Truth about why people do Bad Things,Tom Gash
  • Master the Markets,Tom Williams
  • The Truth about Cancer,Ty M. Bollinger
  • "The Truth about Cancer: What You Need to Know about Cancer’s History, Treatment, and Prevention",Ty M. Bollinger
  • The Inconvenient Truth,Unknown
  • Food Junkies: The Truth About Food Addiction,Vera Tarman; Phillip Werdell
  • DevOps Paradox: The truth about DevOps the people on the front line,Viktor Farcic
  • Lying Approximation: The Truth about Finite Element Analysis,Vincent C. Prantil Christopher Papadopoulos and Paul D. Gessler
  • The Truth About Hormones,Vivienne Parry
  • "Hardcore Zen: Punk Rock, Monster Movies & the Truth About Reality",Warner Brad
  • "Hardcore Zen: punk rock, monster movies, and the truth about reality",Warner Brad
  • Nightmare at Scapa Flow: The Truth About the Sinking of HMS Royal Oak,Weaver H. J
  • The truth about depression: choices in healing,Whitfield Charles L
  • The Truth,Wiley G S
  • The Truth About Thriving in Change,William S. Kane
  • The Truth about the Protocols,WINROD Gerald Burton
  • Naked Chocolate: The Astonishing Truth About the World's Greatest Food,Wolfe David;Shazzie
  • The Stone Cold Truth (WWE),World Wrestling Entertainment Inc.;Ross J. R.;Brent Dennis;Austin Steve
  • Should I tell the truth? and 99 other questions about succeeding at interviews and job hunting,Yeung Rob

-- La verité, is de titel van een film uit ... en dat is dan weer niet zo vreemd, dat de waarheid in fictie opduikt. Het gata om de waarheid uit het verleden van een hoofdpersoon in de film dat de anderen niet kennen. Ja, zo kan het. De waarheid is deel van fictie. Maar in non-fictie is het een ongeloofwaardig thema.



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