Het bedrijf & toekomst - Arcadis
In een jaarverslag zijn veel emotionele uitingen te vinden. Qua beeld valt het jochie op de fiets op, op de voorpagina.
De emoties die expliciet te vinden zijn, staat hieronder in aflopende frequentie:
- driven, passion, trust, doubt, satisfaction, pride, delighted, confident, expectancy, vulnerable, pleased, stressed, gratitude, desire, pleasure, isolated, empathy
Als het gaat om de toekomst, dan is er geen beter voorbeeld dan dit jaarverslag, want "de toekomst" staat letterlijk centraal in dit rapport. Overigens - en dit zal waarschijnlijk voor alle Nederlandse internationale bedrijven gelden - publiceert Arcadis geen Nederlands jaarverslag meer. Het is English-only,
De "future"-dichtheid lijkt toe te nemen, wanneer ik het gebruik van deze term vergelijk over twee jaarverslagen (2011 en 2023) dan is in het laatste geval de (relatieve) dichtheid 109 t.o.v. 77 in 2011.
Hieronder een overzicht van de (wederom expliciete) bevindingen:
planet positive future
Accelerating a Planet Positive Future
strategy – Accelerating a Planet Positive Future
This positions us well for the future and is the
Accelerating a Planet Positive Future in November
positive future
projects that accelerate a planet positive future and add the most
to shape their own future and advance their careers
to the success of Arcadis and wish them well for the future
value for our clients and accelerate a planet positive future for all
released its strategic plan Accelerating a Planet Positive Future for 2024-2026 which sets out
planet positive future for clients and communities around the world
the future
I hope they look back on the past year with pride and look to the future
Planet Positive Future at a Capital Markets Day in November where new
serve and our commitment toand into the future
sustainable outcomes for future
• We dare to shape the future
serve as a model for future
Sustainable Future2021-2023
future opportunities:
Accelerating a planet positive future
our world for future generations
while sustainably powering our world for future generations
Turning to the future, we will focus on five key areas that will accelerate
are active in, and with critical future skills that address our clients’
drive the biggest future impact – reducing greenhouse gas
energy supply in the future
We bring innovative future-
for a Net Zero Carbon future and potential opportunities for the
private sector to play a role in the future of mobility
cities for a brighter future
making around asset performance and future investment needs
sources, positioning us to capitalize on future opportunities
towards a climate-neutral future
which will form the foundation for the company's future reporting framework
gave a preliminary result, and it might be that by moving insights updated results will be seen in the future
compromising the lives of future generations
the future, and working as one team
performance and prepare for future roles
unlock their full potential and emerge as future leaders in their respective fields of expertise
Enabling Arcadians to help impact our commitment to accelerating a planet positive future, in
• Further strengthening our leadership pipeline for the future with the Leadership Discovery program
experiences to help prevent future injuries
into a company that deliberately accelerates a planet positive future
environment today with lasting consequences far into the planet’s future
accelerate a planet positive future
continue to develop targeted trainings supporting needed future-focused skills through initiatives like
The Future Impact Program, aiming to deliver sustainability impact measurement across projects, is
on what our world looks like in the future
The Future Impact Program is a global initiative at Arcadis to establish a common approach to measure
spaces we work, live and play to achieve a sustainable future
positive future for all
Project Carbon is the most mature of the Future Impact Program streams and has engaged stakeholders
common scalable framework to measure sustainability impacts on our projects under the Future Impact
the transformations needed for a net-zero, nature positive, and equitable future
achieve net zero outcomes for our clients and make meaningful progress toward a net zero future through
projections across the existing range of future scenarios consistent with the expected lifetime of the
Futureproofing Amsterdam’s
Trucks taken off the roadsAcres futureproofed to create Integrated urban energy system
futureproof the center for
sustainable future
future, de-risking early-stage opportunities and creating new business models ... de-risking the future [Het Global Innovation and Ecosystems-team richtte zich ook op het verkennen van innovatieve nieuwe proposities om complexe uitdagingen aan te pakken die in de toekomst van invloed zullen zijn op klanten, het verminderen van risico's bij kansen in een vroeg stadium en het creëren van nieuwe bedrijfsmodellen.]
complex client problems, today and in the future
climate disclosure expectations and requirements, paving the way for a more sustainable future
In facing into the future of technology, we ensure that Arcadis maintains its position as a digital leader
clients working within asset future strategy and sustainability to remove asset liabilities at the lowest
on the future of aging asset groups [Proteus (innovation project) biedt waardevolle gegevens en aangepaste prognoses om besluitvorming te verbeteren en risico's te beperken over de toekomst van verouderende activagroepen. Het geeft prioriteit aan scenario's waarbij activa worden hergebruikt om de energietransitie te versnellen, bijvoorbeeld door uitgeputte gasvelden om te zetten in energiehubs. Door dit te doen, streeft het ernaar om de kosten voor ontmanteling te verlagen en extra waarde te genereren uit bestaande activa. Proteus biedt ook bruikbare expertise over wanneer, waar en hoe u operaties kunt starten voor geselecteerde scenario's om activawaarde te ontgrendelen en de verschuiving naar hernieuwbare energie te ondersteunen.]
a strong position to replicate these acquisition activities in the future
futureproof our technological infrastructure and equip Arcadis to thrive in a digital future
support IO in making future
As a global business that is passionate about improving quality of life and accelerating a planet positive future by
integrity and compliance culture of our organization and a sustainable future
differentiates between the optimization of existing value propositions and the exploration of future value
Future” at a Capital Markets Day in November where new financial and non-financial targets were published
part of the Future Impact Program that will enable measuring projects from Arcadis' five sustainability
We look to the future of Arcadis with confidence
accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimate is revised and in any future periods
in use, estimated future cash flows are discounted to present values using a discount rate that reflects current
on future events and must be enforceable in the normal course of business and in the event of default,
significant revenue reversal in the future when the uncertainty has been subsequently resolved
The table below includes revenue expected to be recognized in the future related to performance obligations
• investments in subsidiaries to the extent that they will probably not reverse in the foreseeable future
that it is probable that future profits will be available against which they can be utilized
differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future
a straight-line basis, except for the backlog which is calculated based on the expected pattern of consumption of future
when it increases the future economic benefits
The expected future cash flows used in the goodwill impairment analysis are based on management’s
adverse impact on the estimated future cash flows of the Group
Subsequent costs are recognized in the carrying amount of Property, plant & equipment if it is probable that future
amount is determined by discounting the estimated future cash flows to present value using a discount rate that
identification of impairment indicators, as well as the estimation of future cash flows, discount rates and the
Lease liabilities are initially measured at the present value of the future lease payments that are not paid at the
It is remeasured when there is a change in future lease payments
As at 31 December 2023, potential future cash outflows of €152 million (undiscounted) (2022: €164 million)
The recoverable amount is the present value of expected future cash flows
extent that Arcadis has the unconditional right to cash refunds or reduction in future payments
estimated future cash outflows using interest rates of high-quality corporate bonds (or suitable alternative where there
The EC Harris Group Pension Scheme has been closed for future accruals since 31 January 2011, whereas the
Acer Group Pension Scheme was closed for future accruals since 30 April 2011
Demographic assumptions regarding future mortality are based on published statistics and mortality tables
Future jubilee payments
7 million is recognized for future jubilee payments based on the current agreements in the
Fair value, which is determined for disclosure purposes, is calculated based on the present value of future cash flows,
reasonableness by discounting estimated future cash flows based on the term and maturity of the
The fair value of interest rate swaps is calculated by discounting estimated future cash flows based on the
The fair value of loans and receivables is based on the present value of future principal and interest cash
The fair value of trade and other receivables is estimated as the present value of future cash flows,
and considering future events that are inherently uncertain
This involves significant judgement to assess future cash
future cash flows
However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern
Reduced exposure to potential future fossil
Systems team that measures and reports Arcadis’ footprint and impacts; a Future Focus team which looks
The management consider this an important measure in order to track future revenue development
asset in use, whereby estimated future cash flows are