Bedrijf & toekomst - IMCD
Wanneer je naar de meest gebruikte termen kijkt in het jaarverslag, krijg je dit beeld (2014):
Voor het laatste verslag ziet het beeld er zo uit:Die taxonomie komt op elke bladzijde voor omdat het in de index staat, die herhaald wordt. Maar het is ook een apart segment over deze verplichte rapportage waar IMCD schoorvoetend gevolg aan moet geven, ook al vinden ze zelf dat het overdreven is gegeven de echte impact van hun business. Duidelijk is dat het klimaat (Taxonomie en tcfd - task force on climate related financial disclore) veel meer aandacht krijgt.Ook na schoning blijft het overzicht (Word Cloud) redelijk "schreeuwerig" qua grote woorden: sustainable, consolidated, integrated, etc... En het is de vraag hoe groot die schoning moet zijn opdat er een bedrijfstypisch lexicon uit komt. Beide twee beelden laten een gemiddeld bedrijf zien. En dat terwijl het verslag best kleurrijk toont:
"We formuleren bewust en executeren met zorg" is het motto van dit verslag. Andere opvallende passages, zijn o.a.- We are living through a time of great changes and geopolitical volatility.
- Continuous investment in and upgrading of our global integrated ERP and CRM platform (CRM voor een B2B markt)
- The Supervisory Board nominates Valerie Diele-Braun as Chief Executive Officer, effective January 2024, succeeding founder CEO Piet van der Slikke
Het bedrijf heeft op Youtube een Deep Dive podcast o.a. over innovatie. Daarin zeggen ze dat het bedrijf als "middleman" tussen supplier en customer een kwestie is van co-creatie. Voor Oliver is innovatie "een accelerator van relevant informatie. Iemand anders heeft het over services in de keten bieden tussen kleinere spelers in de locale markt en de grote spelers in de globale markt. "Nieuwe manieren om onze producten aan te bieden." Een andere visie is die van differentiatie dat belangrijk wordt gevonden bij eindklanten en innovatie bij de grotere bedrijven en de rol hiertussen van het bedrijf om die twee bij elkaar te brengen.
Waar IMCD een grote spelers is valt af te leiden uit de hedging strategie of hedging in het algemeen dat vaak voorkomt in de verslagen. Dat zal je niet bij eindklanten of lokale spelers vinden.
Wat schrijft men over het ene jaar en niet in het andere. Een voorbeeld uit 2023 is dat men spreekt over de eigen vloot aan auto's die meer eletrisch georienteerd is:
- The portion of electric and hybrid vehicles comprised of 20% out of total passenger and warehouse vehicles leased or owned.
- gedreven / driven (door resultaten), (job, customer, ...) satisfaction, confident (The board is confident that the strong foundation is layed for a future success), doubt:
- With a group wide compliance organisation, we aim to reinforce this culture so that our people can work in stimulating working environments with safe and respectful working conditions. We aim to ensure at all times an atmosphere where people feel confident to make decisions, raise concerns and seek advice when in doubt.
- (en)joy / enjoyment: We strive for a culture which is entrepreneurial, where people enjoy what they do, have the freedom to act and can decide what is best for their business (AR 2018).
- a healthy platform for future growth
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- that create a more sustainable future for all
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- a more sustainable future for all
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- future for all seriously
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- sustainable future with bio-syngas
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- sustainable future for all,” commented François
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- its sustainable procurement programme for the future,
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- the future
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- future
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- services, now and in the future
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- in the foreseeable future
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- improving market conditions in the future
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- economic conditions, accelerate future business growth,
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- a robust and diverse talent pipeline for future leaders
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- which is key for future internal promotions, contributing
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- the future, this change is also part of the proposed
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- future appointments, adjusted terms for new Supervisory
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- and the impact of (future) regulations with regard to
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- service providers are aware of recent and future developments and changes in laws and regulations
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- Also through our own actions, we can contribute to making the chemicals and ingredients supply chains more sustainable and future-focused
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- IMCD’s Management Board monitors future executive leadership roles
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- regional head offices, are key talent feeders for the future executive talent pipeline
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- commitment to the ESG Standards in our contract templates and future procurement criteria for third-party services
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- in the future doubts should arise, or new insights should
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- future reporting years
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- process, we make projections of future sales volumes
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- related risks and the impact of future regulations with
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- roadmap to clearly define the future expectations of the
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- The consolidated financial statements were authorised for publication by all members of in any future periods affected
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- future taxable profit against which carry forward tax losses can be used
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- key assumptions about the future cash flows and expected returns
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- via the application of the temporary CbCR Safe Harbour Rules, there is one jurisdiction of the Group that is expected to be exposed to top-up tax in the foreseeable future
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- following both current and future financial results
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- financial liabilities; future changes in the carrying value of the put option are recognised in Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealised income and expenses arising
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- is neither planned nor likely in the foreseeable future, foreign exchange gains and losses losses
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- Subsequent expenditure is capitalised only when it is probable that the future economic that excludes future years from the remaining useful life that account for less than 5% of
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- Subsequent expenditure is capitalised only when it increases the future economic
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- in respect of a financial asset measured at amortised cost is calculated as the difference between its carrying amount and the present value of the estimated future cash flows discounted at the asset’s original effective interest rate
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- asset to the extent that a cash refund or a reduction in future payments is available
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- In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present
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- The Group’s net obligation in respect of defined benefit pension plans is calculated the smallest group of assets that generates cash inflows from continuing use that are separately for each plan by estimating the amount of future benefit that employees
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- The Group’s net obligation in respect of long-term employee benefits is the amount of by discounting the expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects current future benefit that employees have earned in return for their service in the current and market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability
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- Future operating costs are not provided for
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- probable that they will not reverse in the foreseeable future
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- temporary differences, to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will
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- value of future principal and interest cash flows, discounted at the market rate of interest
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- on the projections made by the sellers, adjusted for future supplier losses due to
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- The discounted future cash flows from all cash
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- discounting the future cash flows to be generated from the continued use of the CGUs
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- temporary differences in the foreseeable future
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- Future salary increases
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- Future pension increases
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- Assumptions regarding future mortality are based on published statistics and mortality tables
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- Future salary growth (1% point movement)
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- Future pension growth (1% point movement)
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- Future inflation (1% point movement)
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- The obligations arising from the defined benefit plans mentioned above are determined Future mortality (1 year)
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- Future salary growth (1% point movement)
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- The actuarial assumptions for the discount rate, salary growth rate, pension trend and life Future inflation (1% point movement)
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- expectancy, which are used to calculate the defined benefit obligation are established on Future mortality (1 year)
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- Plan assets are assets where the claim to said Future salary growth (1% point movement
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- Future mortality (1 year)
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- assumptions, including projections of future cash flows, discount rates and long term growth rates
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- assumptions used, including projections of future cash flows, discount rates
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- However, future events or conditions may cause the company to cease
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- Inherent to prospective information, the actual future results are uncertain
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Aanwezigheid dan wel betrokkenheid bij diverse landen (afnemende frequentie):
- china, netherlands, india, colombia, indonesia, singapore, europe, mexico, australia, israel, jordan, brazil, germany, canada, france, vietnam, malaysia, peru, sweden, turkey, italy, switzerland, philippines, austria, japan, egypt, thailand, uruguay, argentina, ireland, bangladesh, spain, hong, santiago, guatemala, poland, ecuador, kong, jakarta, seoul, jersey, bogotá, luxembourg, bulgaria, portugal, uganda, hungary, kenya, russia, bangkok, belgium, norway, finland, romania, morocco, lima, tunisia, ukraine, warsaw, dublin, dhaka, denmark, croatia, cyprus, kampala, latvia, burundi, brussels, lisbon, lithuania, bahrain, madrid, manila, malta, algeria, montevideo, nairobi, prague, quito, samoa, riyadh, sofia, taiwan, tokyo, tunis, vienna, vilnius, zagreb