Bedrijf & toekomst - RioTinto

De kernwaarden van Rio Tinto zijn knap gevonden: Care, Courage en Curiosity. Of dit echt passende kernwaarden zijn voor een mijnbedrijf zou ik vroeger misschien anders gezien hebben. Zolang de drie-C's werken is het mooi.

Wat opvalt bij Rio Tinto over de laatste jaren is de verbinding en commitment met de omgevende communities waar het bedrijf belang aan hecht. Mijn bouw heeft een negatief karakter, en dat moet op een bepaalde manier gecompenseerd worden en kan ook positief uitgedragen worden: 

  •     in 2023, we commenced cultural immersion secondments with JawunTM, a non-profit partnership program with Indigenous organisations and communities across Australia.


  • vertrouwen ["My conversations with stakeholders this year suggest we have come a long way to rebuild trust," en " We’ll continue our journey of culture change, building an environment of trust where everyone feels safe," CEO]
  • wensen / wishes [Our utmost priority and commitment is to the rehabilitation of the Ranger Project Area in a way that is consistent with the wishes of the Mirarr People, Mijn in Australie]
  • vertrouwen / relying (materiality..."on the financial statements"), 
  • devote [Business units are required to devote the necessary effort by management to implement and report on these policies and standards, 2008].
  • dominate [The board is satisfied that it has the appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence, and knowledge of the company to enable its members to discharge their respective duties and responsibilities effectively, and that no individual or group can dominate the board’s decision-making, 2019],
  • desire [Developing strategies, initiatives and performance measures around organisational culture and desired behaviours, 2023 Cultuur]
  • angst / fear [The myVoice procedure explains how concerns regarding matters relating to Rio Tinto, its business and its people can be raised, in confidence and without fear of retaliation.]
  • inspire(s) 
    • [James Martin, Chief People Officer: James joined our Executive Committee as Chief People Officer in April 2021. Prior to this, James was at Egon Zehnder for 21 years. He led a range of global practices and specialised in coaching, talent management and leadership development. Prior to this, he worked in equity research after a career as an air force pilot James has been supporting our culture evolution, from building a new leadership program, to paving the way to a more inclusive work environment and helping create our new values. His vision is to help unlock more of our potential and to inspire even more of our colleagues to feel the pride in Rio Tinto that many already do] EN
    • ... Our purpose is at the core of everything we do. It inspires our efforts and guides our decisions. Finding better ways™ to provide the materials the world needs.

  • ... etc.


  • Matalco (The Matalco joint venture continues Rio Tinto's investment in building its supply of low-carbon aluminium in North America), 
  • aspirational (We use additional scenarios (including our Aspirational Leadership scenario, which provides our view of a pathway aligned with 1.5°C by 2100) to further stress test decisions and assess potential risks to our portfolio.)
  • Dean Dalla Valle (Board memeber), 
  • Fragmented Leadership: 
    • Onze twee kernscenario's Competitive Leadership [1] weerspiegelt een wereld van hoge groei en sterkere klimaatactie, met name na 2030, met verandering aangestuurd door beleid en concurrerende innovatie. Een proactieve hervormingsomgeving moedigt bedrijfsinnovatie aan en helpt investeringen en productiviteit te stimuleren. Hierdoor kan het wereldwijde BBP blijven groeien op bijna recente historische niveaus met een toenemende bijdrage van India en andere ontwikkelingslanden. Fragmented Leadership [2] vertegenwoordigt een wereld waarin economische groei en klimaatactie worden beperkt door ineffectief beleid en toenemende sociale en geopolitieke spanningen. In deze wereld neemt de investering in nieuwe technologieën af en is hun wereldwijde acceptatie zeer inconsistent. Dit, gecombineerd met meer aanzienlijke klimaatschade, resulteert in een zwakkere productiviteitsgroei op de lange termijn.
  • Jérôme Pécresse - Chief Executive, Aluminium Jérôme was appointed Chief Executive, Aluminium in October 2023. Prior to joining Rio Tinto, Jérôme was President & CEO of General Electric (GE) Renewable Energy, where he helped define and implement GE’s strategy to support the decarbonisation of the energy sector.
  • Cybersecurity, bioirontm (There is real momentum in our project pipeline and our Chief Scientist’s office is steering us towards more breakthroughs in sustainable mining and processing, including BlueSmeltingTM, ELYSISTM and BioIronTM)
  • co-development -  We have started taking a more community-led approach, with co-management and co-development of sites becoming an embedded part of our process from the beginning

  • post-2030, Susan LLoyd-hurwitz (board Member),  digestion (The energy efficiency double digestion project EN improving energy efficiency, specifically via implementing and validating digestion improvement technology), Codelco (Joint Venture voor Kopermijn in Chile) 


us$m2020, |2021, report2021, |, 2021|, ‘kpmg, shares100100155, 2022–––, 2023–––, vaccination, uk’, impactopportunitiesthreats, australia’, rtsps, us$m2021, shares100251, fy21, shares100100251, , mt%, gl, balance’, 1(i, approx, tonnagegrade, fy20, 20,211, operator–, 2021–––, 2024–––, 100100level, ag%, objectivesassociated, cug/t,, aug/t, pkkp, infrastructuretitle/lease/acreage, 2025–––, conditionshistory, chair-designate, undercut, responsibilityour, awards(d, 160-198, tintorio, toth, riotinto.comindependent, 100level, mine(a, 20,212,020, briquetted, 100,100,155, tonnagegradetonnagegrademt%, 18, pre-delivery, renamed, us$munderlying, propertyownershipoperatorlocationaccess, mineralisationprocessing, 25, tragedy, us$700m, puutu, ‘closure, 21, cash)/debt, pandemic-related, ‘specific, 21, zero-emission, waiver, 180-182, carbfix, variants, 17, tribal, 1(l, hbi, ebitdagross, December2021, li2omt%, 100,100,251, 1,001,006, 100,251, matterour, 10,334, tonnemtcarats, tonnagegradetonnagegradetonnagegrade,


  • Koodaideri
    • For example, in early 2020, we announced a $98 million investment to build a 34 MW solar plant at our new Koodaideri iron ore mine in the Pilbara, alongside a lithium-ion battery energy storage system.
  • Management Share Awards (MSA) Executives are not eligible to receive MSA after their appointment. However, Joanne Farrell, en andere krijgt uitzonderingspositie
  • hse&s (bij risico's: Health, safety, etc)
  • risico's algemeen: 
    • Emerging risks. As we enter a new era of complexity, we expect to experience increasing uncertainty from the interplay of three global forces: geopolitics, technology and society.

  • claw‑back, Greene (Dame Moya Greene, Moya stepped down from the board on 26 June 2019), Chris Salisbury (CEO ironore sinds 2016), e&m - Energy & Minerals was een unit die niet meer als zodanig bestaat, botlek-rotterdam (adres van Alcan Holdings),  
  • g&i - Growth & INnovtion (group): Our success, today and in the future, will be predicated upon using cutting-edge technology as well as data and artificial intelligence to establish new and more efficient ways of finding, building, running and closing our operations. This is the mandate of our G&I group.
  • Aluchemie: Aluminium – ISAL Smelter, Iceland. In 2018, we reached agreement with Hydro to sell the ISAL Smelter in Iceland, our 53.3% interest in the Aluchemie anode plant in the Netherlands and our 50% share in the Aluminium fluoride plant in Sweden (ISAL).

Palabora. Een mijn in Zuid Afrika die afgestoten is in 2013 omdat deze niet meer qua schaal rendabel zou zijn.

Alcan is een bedrijf dat Rio Tinto in dat jaar overneemt (in 2007, en dus consolideert). In het nieuws circuleert dan dit bericht: The worst mining deal ever: Rio Tinto buying Alcan for $38.1B. Bij deze deal komt de CEO van Alcan - Dick Evans - tot Rio Tinto, maar neemt later ook weer afscheid.

Kennecott Utah Copper LLC (KUC), is veel besproken in 2008 en komt in nieuwe Jv vooral onder de naam Kennecoth voor. Koper blijft een belangrijke mijn voor Rio Tinto.

Northparkes is ook een kopermijn, die in nieuwe JV niet meer voorkomt. RT verkoopt deze mijn in 2023. 

Talc is een product dat in 2008 nog gemijnd wordt, maar dit wordt later afgestoten. De koper is J&J??

Andere termen:
  • eagle (naam van mijnproject in VS), Andrew Harding (CEO van KUC), Preston Chiaro is dan Chief executive, Energy & Minerals group, Debra Valentine (Head Legal), Bret Clayton (CEO Copper, mccp - Mining Company Comparative plan, hismelt® (plant in Australie), corumbá, Paul Skinner (CEO van de groep), ... etc.
In 2008 gaat het bedrijf een project aan met Wal-Mart en krijgt daarmee ook wat retail exposure (zie afbeelding).

Geografisch? Welk gebied krijgt het meeste aandacht? In aflopende frequentie:
  • Canada,, Guinea, Mongolië, China, Singapore, Madagascar, Frankrijk, Brazilië en Jersey, ... (2023). Maar wanneer je op 2021 zoekt, dan is deze volgorde anders en is ook Servië opeens belangrijk (vierde plaats). IN 2008 was indonesia relatief belangrijker (toen vierde plaats).
Een ander belangrijk begrip in de jaarverslagen is dat van "Pilot." Veel projecten en mijnen starten als proef.

Wat ook nog interessant is dat de diverse mineralen que schijnbare focus van rangorde verschillen in de diverse jaarverslagen. in 2008 zijn Ore, Copper en Aluminium de belangrijkste, in 2021 is dat ook zo, plus diamant. Maar in 2023 wordt die vierde plaats (qua frequentie) ingenomen door titanium. Dus een mijnbouwbedrijf moet ook moeilijke keuzes maken omdat de commodities market blijkbaar altijd in beweging is. 

De toekomst. 

Op het eerste gezicht lijkt het erop dat Rio Tinto meer dan gemiddeld met de toekomst bezig is:
  • enabled us to invest in the future health of
  • needed to prepare for future transitions in
  • Board, I wish him well for the future
  • well for the future
  • I look to the future with optimism - there has
  • with an eye to the future
  • future
  • for the future?
  • our portfolio for the future
  • zero future, and we continue to explore
  • a portfolio built for the future, we are wellpositioned to capture these over the long-term
  • Centre for Future Materials led by Imperial
  • Future priorities
  • Project development, future options (pipeline
  • to support future growth in close
  • about our capital projects and future
  • Our future priorities are informed by our
  • the future, we will continue to allocate capital
  • in a position to pay fully franked dividends for the foreseeable future
  • Future options
  • A resource-drilling program is currently underway to support future project studies
  • about our capital projects and future
  • cleaner future
  • about our capital projects and future
  • producing materials essential to a low-carbon future and
  • about our capital projects and future
  • transition to a low-carbon future
  • sustainable future
  • Future-proof
  • a sustainable future
  • What will be important in the future
  • extremely important topic in the future due to
  • the selection of future emission scenarios
  • the future
  • models considering a range of future emission scenarios and time
  • and climate risks from hours in the future (operational resilience and short-term decision-making) to decades (long-term strategic and
  • hazards may change in the future
  • climate change variables and future emission
  • future emission scenarios and time horizons
  • increases in future temperature means
  • (surface water, riverine and coastal inundation) incorporating future climate change
  • risk modelling (surface water, riverine and coastal inundation) incorporating future
  • in the future, from the 1
  • future reserves are suitable for upgrading
  • sales, to shortlist potential areas for future
  • This aspect may be considered in future years
  • hazards: modelling considers two future
  • present day (short term) and future risks
  • Multiple future time horizons are modelled,
  • future controls, adaptation/resilience
  • future emission scenarios by 2050, increases
  • flood increase under both future emission
  • future emissions scenarios
  • the unpredictability of future GHG emissions
  • as representations of a plausible future (what
  • may happen in the future) and not as forecasts
  • or predictions (what will happen in the future)
  • TSF component considering future climate
  • resources for future generations
  • future generations
  • underpin future disclosure requirements
  • the future
  • – Continued to support the Future Tails
  • future and a pathway to deliver that together
  • potential future land uses and focus on
  • the future of the region beyond mining
  • future use, long-term management
  • seek to prevent such incidents in the future and
  • community resilience and support the future
  • hope to contribute to a better future for the
  • The Future Generation Special Fund makes up
  • to our operations and future growth
  • and future initiatives and complement
  • the future of our business for the next 150
  • for the future
  • – Leaving a positive legacy for future
  • future generations, embedding
  • future relative values of our iron ore products
  • future demand for green steel
  • suited to our low-mid grade ores, protecting the future value of our
  • This could impact the future competitiveness of our
  • amenability to future low-carbon steelmaking technology
  • and broader society, our performance, future prospects and
  • A number of our operations and future development opportunities
  • understood given the inherent uncertainty in future
  • Leaving a positive legacy for future
  • We aspire to leave a positive legacy for future generations
  • opportunities to repurpose and reuse sites for future economic and
  • determine options for future management
  • our current and future growth plans including in the Pilbara, Winu,
  • – Centre for Future Materials led by Imperial College London to
  • price may reduce the volume of existing reserves and the future
  • investment in critical skills required now and for the future “building
  • succession plans for critical roles, present and future
  • on critical roles (PSM) and future capabilities, including
  • for the future
  • – Local trainee (apprenticeship) programs and other future skilldevelopment partnerships
  • National Future and Vision
  • Rio Tinto’s future success
  • and ESG leadership and create future value for
  • future-focused sustainability outcomes
  • support new material needs for the future
  • we need for the future, by transforming its safe
  • as well as positioning for a green future and
  • plant has the ability for future expansion
  • on future investment opportunities in Mongolia
  • which form part of future plans to help
  • progress and future strategic direction
  • the future
  • future appointments to these roles
  • future long-term incentive plan (LTIP) awards
  • The Committee proposes future LTIP awards
  • or scale back of future grants
  • – Strengthened the future of our Pilbara iron ore portfolio with Western Range construction on schedule, Rhodes Ridge moving to prefeasibility phase and productivity improvements at Gudai Darri resulting in an expected uplift in capacity
  • (including an indication of likely future
  • future legislation in other jurisdictions
  • cost effectiveness of our operations for the foreseeable future
  • of these assets, including future profit forecasts
  • loans is neither planned nor likely in the foreseeable future and, therefore, whether the associated exchange gains and losses can be taken
  • – expected future commodity prices and demand;
  • With regard to our future commodity price assumptions, to calculate
  • different impacts on future commodity price outcomes
  • representation for our assessment of the future impact of climate
  • which will continue in the foreseeable future
  • Further, closure planning considers future climate change
  • evolve, with the potential to materially impact our future financial
  • values of assets and liabilities could be materially affected in future
  • that such adjustments may be identified in the future
  • generated in the future
  • in the future
  • present value of the forecast future cash flows could support the
  • based on the range of future economic conditions regarding matters
  • impacted in the future by a faster pace of transition to a low carbon
  • factors may arise in the future, which are not known today, that may
  • aluminium segment has the potential to perform more strongly as the world transitions to a lower carbon future; however, our assessment
  • reference to the higher of value in use (being the net present value of expected future cash flows of the relevant cash-generating unit in its
  • The cash flow forecasts for FVLCD purposes are based on management’s best estimates of expected future revenues and costs, including the
  • future cash costs of production, capital expenditure, and closure, restoration and environmental costs
  • This differs from value in use which requires future cash flows to be estimated for the asset in its
  • current condition and therefore does not include future cash flows associated with improving or enhancing an asset’s performance
  • Where the recoverable amount of a cash-generating unit is dependent on the life of its associated orebody, expected future cash flows reflect
  • forecasting production output and production costs in each future year
  • believe that published medium- and long-term forward prices necessarily provide a good indication of future levels because they tend to be
  • Forecast future cash flows of a cash-generating unit take into account the sales prices under existing sales contracts
  • The discount rates applied to the future cash flow forecasts represent an estimate of the rate the market participant would apply having regard
  • to the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset for which the future cash flow estimates have not been adjusted
  • estimating value in use, the present value of future cash flows in foreign currencies is translated at the spot exchange rate on the testing date
  • Future changes in these variables may differ from management’s expectations and may materially
  • For QAL, the recoverable amount (net present value of US$325 million) was represented by future cash flows attributable to the double
  • identified at a future date
  • customers in future periods
  • uncertainty regarding whether suitable taxable profits will be earned in future to obtain value for the tax losses
  • Future tax developments
  • Future selling prices and operating costs have been estimated in line with the policy set out in note 4
  • estimating future cash flows for mineral interests under evaluation
  • activities will be discontinued, or sufficient data exists to indicate a future development would be unlikely to recover the carrying amount in full
  • therefore, it is considered probable that future economic benefits will flow to the Group
  • efficiency and cost effectiveness of our operations for the foreseeable future
  • the renewal of our contractual water rights to be at risk from climate change for the foreseeable future
  • to the extent they are expected to give rise to a future economic benefit
  • expected production in current and future periods based on ore reserves and, for some mines, other mineral resources
  • because the asset can benefit current and future mines
  • production or to mines where there is a high degree of confidence that they will be brought into production in the future
  • mineral resources is determined taking into account future capital costs as required by the JORC code
  • applies to current mines only and does not take into account future development costs for mines which are not yet in production
  • – it must be probable that there will be an economic benefit in a future accounting period because the stripping activity has improved
  • current period and improved access to ore which will be extracted in future periods
  • Future periods after first phase is complete
  • Current and future benefit are
  • foreseeable future
  • impact of future disturbance that is planned to occur during the life of
  • uncertain and dependent upon future capital allocation decisions,
  • which involve estimation of future economic circumstances and
  • The closure provision is represented by forecast future underlying
  • plus risks and opportunities for which future cash flows have not been
  • order to meet or reimburse future environmental and
  • next 12 months and would also impact the depreciation and the unwinding of discount in future years
  • control the timing of the remittance and it is probable that there will be no remittance in the foreseeable future
  • control the timing of the remittance and it is probable that there will be no remittance in the foreseeable future
  • rules has resulted in a position where no material future tax benefit will be derived from the utilisation of Federal deferred tax assets and consequently these deferred tax assets are included
  • been recognised as deferred tax assets relating to anticipated future deductions
  • (d) US$2,455 million (2022: US$1,490 million) of the unrecognised assets relate to realised or unrealised capital losses, the recovery of which depends on the existence of capital gains in future
  • level of borrowings and their maturity profile, liquidity levels, future cash flows, underlying EBITDA and interest cover ratios
  • Expected future interest payments(a) (803) (781) (2,156) (4,886) (8,626) (668) (603) (1,468) (3,141) (5,880)
  • (a) The interest payable at the year end is removed from trade and other financial payables and shown within expected future interest payments and derivatives related to net debt
  • Where debt is subject to variable interest rates, future interest payments are
  • We have designated the swaps to be in fair value hedge relationships with the corresponding period of future interest payments of the respective debt
  • non-lease components are excluded from the projection of future lease payments and recorded separately within operating costs as services
  • in price will result in an offsetting change in our future earnings
  • in the future from Upper Calliope Solar Farm
  • significant unobservable inputs related to future energy prices
  • (a) The main assumptions used to determine the provision for pensions and post-retirement healthcare, and other information, including the expected level of future funding payments in
  • This in turn will depend on the level of future pay increases, the level of inflation (for those benefits that are subject to some form
  • Volatility in asset values The Group is exposed to future movements in the values of assets held in pension plans to meet future benefit payments
  • refunds from the plan or reductions in future contributions
  • (g) The Group makes limited use of futures, repurchase agreements and other instruments to manage the interest rate risk in some of its plans
  • obligations is less sensitive to assumptions about future salary increases than to other assumptions such as future inflation
  • Healthcare plans are generally unfunded and contributions for future years will be equal to
  • plan, whether any reduction in future Group contributions is available, and whether a refund of surplus may be available
  • will only be available many years in the future
  • – The long-term inflation rate - used to project increases in future benefit payments for those plans that have benefits linked to inflation
  • The assumption regarding future inflation is based on market yields on inflation linked instruments, where possible, combined with
  • It also uses its judgement with respect to allowances for future improvements in
  • For both the pension and healthcare arrangements, the post-retirement mortality assumptions allow for future improvements in longevity
  • mortality tables used imply that a man aged 60 at the balance sheet date has a weighted average expected future lifetime of 27 years (2022: 27
  • years) and that a man aged 60 in 2041 would have a weighted average expected future lifetime of 28 years (2022: 28 years)
  • The values reported for the defined benefit obligations are sensitive to the actuarial assumptions used for projecting future benefit payments
  • Demographic – allowance for future
  • The initial recognition of non-controlling interests, and any subsequent recognition arising from future contributions, gives rise to a charge within
  • Other provisions are recognised when it is more likely than not that we will become obliged, legally or constructively, to future expenditure
  • Where there is sufficient objective evidence of reasonably expected future events (such as changes in technology and new
  • Group may in the future incur judgements or enter into settlements of claims that could lead to material cash outflows
  • The aggregate amount of future payment commitments under purchase obligations outstanding at 31 December is shown in the table below
  • (d) Valuation changes on derivatives, embedded in commercial contracts that are ineligible for hedge accounting but for which there will be an offsetting change in future Group earnings
  • in the future
  • in 2024 will result in no future reporting of Ore Reserves for that operation
  • Future permits will be required for operations such
  • management for future operations (including
  • different from any future results,
  • Rio Tinto’s present and future business
  • Rio Tinto will operate in the future
  • climate change and the transition to a lowcarbon future; an inability to successfully
  • to mean that future earnings per share of
  • ...


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