Bedrijf & toekomst - Zalando
Allereerst wat qua emoties opvalt is het gebruik van Liefde / houden van (Love dus in het Engels):
- We will always lead with quality, offering our customers the very best brands they love, an experience characterized by trust, innovative and entertaining digital experiences, and the ability to make more sustainable and inclusive choices (AR 2023, groep strategie).
- ... strategische voortgang: We will always lead with quality and offer our
Wat opvalt aan het jaarverslag is de zakelijke vorm, zoals op de foto te zien is. De cover heeft kleur, en dan op pagina vier is er een foto van het management team, maar verder zijn er enkel cijfers.
- chance once again to shape the industry’s future
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- and we look forward to executing our shared vision for the company's future success
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- challenging economic environment laid the foundations for future growth with investments in
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- the possibility to shape the industry’s future
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- achieve its strategic ambitions and financial goals in the future
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- to navigating the future together
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- Governance (ESG) targets into the remuneration structure encourages sustainable and future-
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- Future overall economic and industry-specific situation130
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- Future development of the group131
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- and boost future growth: customers, partners and infrastructure
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- sustainable and equitable fashion future [om de toekomst toe te treden heeft ze een speciale manier gevonden: we concluded the do.MORE strategy cycle, incorporating our learnings into a new strategy. Leren als mechanisme om de toekomstige uitdagingen het hoofd te kunnen bieden.]
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- supporting a more sustainable fashion future
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- enabler for our customers and brands towards a more sustainable fashion future through: (1)
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- for the future”
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- growing expectations from stakeholders confirming the necessity to future-proof our business
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- opportunities that match future work requirements
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- footprint, particularly its current and potential future impact on climate change, which is why
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- important steps to future-proof our carbon accounting for our private label products by
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- specific and reliable product information, whilst positioning ourselves for future industry shifts
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- reflect on our progress, identify learnings, and refine our approach for future advancement
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- prioritize preventive measures and manage risks in (future) interactions, as well as in industry-
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- Preparing the workforce for the future [Employee matters... De OECD schat dat 1 miljard mensen "reskilled" moeten worden voor 2030, om aan de eisen van nieuwe vaardigheden te voldoen] ... skilling opportunities that match future work requirements ... — Skilling opportunities linked to future-of-work megatrends:
- Vaardigheidsmogelijkheden gekoppeld aan megatrends in de toekomst van werk: Wij geloven dat de toekomst van werk wordt gedefinieerd door zes megatrends: i) Inclusiever werken, ii) nieuwe technologieën omarmen, iii) werken in nieuwe omgevingen, iv) meer samenwerken, v) vooroplopen in innovatie en vi) werken met meer empathie.
- Om de werknemers van Zalando voor te bereiden, stimuleren we leermogelijkheden gericht op onderwerpen als nieuwe technologieën, het leiden van hybride teams en essentiële zachte vaardigheden zoals inclusiviteit en empathie. Tegen het einde van 2023 hebben we 289 cursussen gegeven, zoals Effectieve Feedback geven en ontvangen, Carrièreontwikkeling ondersteunen en Figma Level-Up Training.
- The VORN Academy is a laboratory for future digital and physical business models with a focus on circular design and closed-loop production and
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- Outlook on future reporting
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- time investing to capture future growth
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- Future development of the
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- group,for more information on our future development of our management system, especially
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- invest into strategic areas of our business to boost future growth – for example in our Designer
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- as from the offline segment are expected to persist for the foreseeable future, with companies
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- Future overall economic and industry-specific situation
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- events and economic volatility being the biggest risk factors for future growth
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- 2 Future development of the group
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- continued to invest selectively into strategic areas of our business to boost future growth,
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- in the company’s present and future business models
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- the generation of probable future economic benefits and the ability to measure reliably the
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- consideration future business needs, the lengths of the non-cancellable period as well as
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- consolidated financial statements and the tax accounts if these differences lead to future tax
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- each reporting date and are recognized to the extent that it has become probable that future
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- This is the case if there is no realistic prospect of future
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- A cash flow hedge manages our exposure to fluctuations of future cash flows attributable to a
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- discounted future expected cash flows using market discount rates for the remaining term of
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- amount equivalent to the present value of the estimated future dismantling obligations
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- future, Zalando recognizes a refund liability vis-Ã -vis the customer within other current
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- account expected future cost increases; see 3
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- expected future development of the group’s business and the anticipated development of
- Vooruitkijkend is de visie van Zalando om het ecosysteem van mode- en lifestyle-e-commerce op te bouwen en om onze best-in-class e-commerceplatformcapaciteiten te benutten die we de afgelopen 15 jaar hebben ontwikkeld om onze vernieuwde visie mogelijk te maken. Bovendien is het onze missie om de go-to-plek te zijn voor kwalitatieve ontdekking en entertainment in mode en lifestyle, daarom zullen we blijven investeren in het persoonlijker, boeiender, inspirerender en vermakelijker maken van onze e-commerce-ervaring. Modeklanten zouden vaker onze winkel moeten bezoeken en quality time met ons moeten doorbrengen. Naast het bedienen van onze modeklanten, wil Zalando het besturingssysteem zijn dat kwalitatieve e-commerce in Europa ontsluit voor mode- en lifestyleverkopers. Onze unieke logistieke infrastructuur kan klanten in heel Europa op een snelle, gemakkelijke en betrouwbare manier bedienen, afgestemd op de behoeften van lokale klanten. Met ons B2B-merk ZEOS, kunnen we onze unieke capaciteiten buiten het Zalando-platform bieden. In lijn met onze bijgewerkte strategie en in lijn met onze verschuiving van sturing en besluitvorming van een verkoopkanaalweergave (Fashion Store en Offprice) naar een onderscheid tussen B2C- en B2B-segmenten, passen we onze segmentrapportagestructuur dienovereenkomstig aan.
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- and management’s best estimates on the future development of individual parameters, such as
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- based on assumptions about our future performance
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- may change in the future
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- Market risk arises from changes in the fair value of future cash flows from financial
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- in value of future foreign currency payments
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- interest rate fluctuations on the earnings, equity or cash flow for the current or future
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- for new future liabilities were not included
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- requirements for future exercises of virtual stock options under LTI 2019 and VSOP 2018
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- managing directors as well as current and future employees of up to EUR 14
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- appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future development
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- with existing and potential future excess stocks, which are sold at a high discount through
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- Zalando’s executive directors calculate excess stocks based on the expected future sell-
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- Future sell-through and the resulting
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- calculating excess stocks and estimating the future net realizable value
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- underlying input factors for determining the future sell-through rate per sales channel and
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- write-downs to be recognized in the future based on this and compared them with
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- German legal requirements, and appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future
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- appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future development, as well as to issue an
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- However, future
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- substantial unavoidable risk that future events will differ materially from the prospective
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- Statement relating to the future
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- This annual report contains statements that relate to the future and are based on assumptions and estimates made by the management of
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- actual future results may vary from these assumptions and estimates as a result of a variety of factors
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- guarantee and accepts no liability for future development and the actual results achieved in the future matching the assumptions and estimates stated
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- It is neither the intention of Zalando SE nor does Zalando SE accept a special obligation to update statements related to the future
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