Bayer uit het dal?

Technisch, qua koers was de top van dit bedrijf ergens rond 2015. De omzet groeide continue tot in dat jaar 46 miljard. Acht jaar later is die omzet 47 miljard, met 50 miljard in 2022. Al is omzet niet alles, hier blijkt al uit dat er geen tot weinig groei meer in zat. Een businessprobleem waar alle agro-chemische bedrijven mee te kampen hebben, of meer typisch iets voor de organisatie van Bayer zelf. Vooral de overname van Monsanto in 2018 staat hierbij centraal. Groeide het bedrijf - in het verleden - door overnames of juist ook autonoom?

Het laatste jaarverslag (2023) heeft als motto: health for everyone, hunger for none.

Wat zou Bayer waard geweest zijn als ze niet Monsanto had overgenomen in 2019? Het verdelgingsmiddel Roundup van Monsanto bleek giftig een diverse claims volgden. Hoe staat het er nu voor?

Cropscience is de business unit waar Monsanto de huidige leider  Rodrigo Santos van afstamt, voor zo ver zichtbaar, de enige in de board van Monstanto. Naast cropscience is er de unit pharmaceuticals en consumer health.

Emoties in het verslag, zijn  er volop te vinden, zoals:

  • gratitude (vaak) werd uitgesproken door de vorige CEO Werner Maumann. de nieuwe CEO Bill Anderson heeft dat idee verlaten
  • isolated (cases) komt niet voor in 2023
  • aggressive: "New competitors entering the market and aggressive marketing and pricing strategies – not only for generic products – could negatively impact our profitability." Dat is een zin die in elk jaarverslag terugkeert
  • pleased: gebruikt door de voormalige CEO, maar ook door de SB: "incredibly pleased"... for having found the new CEO...
  • satisfaction: in .. employee Engagement and Satisfaction
  • vulnerable (2023): Through our global partnership with Vitamin Angels, we focus on underserved pregnant women and their babies who are particularly vulnerable, improving access to micronutrients for 4 million mothers and babies globally every year (Consumer health)
  • disappointment (2023, CEO):  "We faced another setback in November 2023, when a major Phase III trial investigating our anticoagulant asundexian in patients with atrial fibrillation and the risk of stroke was discontinued. That was a big disappointment for all of us, even though we are well aware that this is always a risk for every pharmaceutical company"
  • distress: komt voor in ontwikkeling van een geneesmiddel, tegen: acute respiratory distress syndrome 
  • calm: ook in geneesmiddel: "In the Europe/Middle East/Africa region, we extended the LAIF™ product line in Germany with the launch of CalmaLAIF™. The formula is a unique combination of four natural ingredients to help reduce stress complaints, promoting both a sense of calm and restorative sleep."
  • caring (care in het algemeen) komt veelvuldig voor, in skin-care,self-care, health-care, etc...
  • anticipating / anticipate: komt veelvuldg voor: anticiperen van problemen, daling van omzetk, e.d. en bv.
    • Thanks to our innovation capacities and budgets within the Crop Science Division, we anticipate that we will be able to effectively tackle the challenges faced in developing and introducing product solutions in agriculture, including longer and more costly development cycles or stricter regulatory requirements.

  • passion (enkel in 2019 in kader klimaatverandering):  "And we saw the social debate on climate change conducted with growing passion around the world, driven in part by an increase in extreme weather such as droughts and floods."
  • love: als brandname bij overname: 
    • Acquisitions in 2022 On June 28, 2022, Bayer acquired 30% of the shares in Natsana GmbH, Germany, for a purchase price of around €96 million. The acquired shares are accounted for using the equity method. Natsana is an online-only provider focused on the sale and development of natural supplements such as vitamins, minerals, nutrients and probiotics. Its portfolio comprises over 100 products under its three main brands: Feel Natural, Nature Love and Natural Elements. Bayer will acquire the other 70% of shares in 2025 based on a buyout mechanism agreed to when closing the transaction. The company is assigned to the Consumer Health segment.
  •  irritable. als onderdeel van een ziekte: irrritable bowel disease
  • (life) expectancy: toename en kwaliteit van ...
  • doubt (auditors report): conclude on the appropriateness of the executive directors’ use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern.
  • suffering (pharmaceuticals):
  • Pharmaceuticals
    • Driven by an aging population, the incidence of chronic diseases is on the rise, and an increasing number of patients are suffering from multiple conditions affecting their quality of life.
Een aantal verschillen tussen de jaarverslagen.

specifiek in 2019:
Telemedicine: Pharmaceuticals - Throughout the world, an increasingly aging population is leading to a growing number of chronic diseases and the increasing occurrence of multiple conditions. At the same time, digital technologies have the potential to transform the way health care is delivered. Examples include telemedicine, artificial intelligence-driven diagnostic and treatment support, as well as combining computer processing power with the availability of large data sets to enable personalized testing and treatment.

Syndromes: In September, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) published clinical practice guidelines recommending that Xarelto™ vascular dose plus aspirin low dose should be considered in the treatment of patients with chronic coronary syndromes at high risk of further events. Another ESC guideline addressing diabetes also includes such a recommendation for this regimen in patients with diabetes and lower extremity arterial disease. A new analysis of the COMPASS study in July demonstrated that patients with high risk factors benefited most from dual pathway inhibition.

Synergie (komt ook enkel in 2019 voor): We are strengthening the operational performance of our business through measures such as the Bayer 2022 synergy and efficiency program.

Convertible: The decline in other financial liabilities was primarily due to the maturing of the mandatory convertible notes issued in November 2016, which were converted into Bayer AG shares on November 22, 2019.

Werner Wenning (gaat met pensioen)

Betaseron (komt vooral in 2019 sterk voor, schijnt in decline te zijn): Sales of our multiple sclerosis treatment Betaferon™/Betaseron™ declined, especially in the United States, due to continued competitive pressure.


Verdict / Hardeman (in het kader van een lopende rechtszaak en schikking in de VS, Monsanto): The three adverse verdicts – Johnson, Hardeman and Pilliod – are not covered by the settlement. In August 2021, the California Court of Appeal ruled against Monsanto in the Pilliod appeal. In November 2021, the California Supreme Court denied review of the appeal. The Company is considering its options with respect to seeking review by the Supreme Court of the United States. The Johnson case was concluded with payment of the US$20.5 million final judgment plus interest in March 2021. In May 2021, the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled against Monsanto in the Hardeman appeal. The company has petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for review in Hardeman. In December 2021 the Supreme Court invited the U.S. Solicitor General to file a brief in the matter stating the government’s views. In light of the Supreme Court’s solicitation of views from the government, Bayer will not entertain any further settlement discussions with plaintiff lawyers at this point in time.

Alpha: On June 2, 2021, Bayer completed the acquisition of 100% of the shares in two biotech companies: Noria Therapeutics Inc., United States, and PSMA Therapeutics Inc., United States. Through this acquisition, Bayer obtained exclusive rights to a differentiated alpha radionuclide therapy based on actinium-225 and a small molecule targeting prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA), and in doing so broadened its oncology portfolio of targeted alpha therapies (TAT).

Vertical: the Human Resources Committee prepares a horizontal and a vertical comparison of compensation and, if necessary, is supported in this task by an external, independent compensation consultant.

Petition: in het kader van de lopende rechtszaak, een petitie ingediend


gadolinium-based. Gadoquatrane // In June, we announced the start of the Phase III clinical development program QUANTI with gadoquatrane, a next-generation gadolinium-based contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which has the potential to enable a substantially lower clinical gadolinium dose for patients. The program aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the development candidate in contrast-enhanced MRI in two multinational Phase III studies and one pediatric study across all body regions and all ages.

Gene-edited. Venture capital Leaps: Furthermore, the Leaps portfolio company Pairwise Plants LLC, United States, entered into a new five-year cooperation agreement with the Crop Science Division to jointly optimize gene-edited short-stature corn.

... wordt vervolgd.


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