Coaching bij bedrijven

Wat is de status van coaching bij bedrijven, anno 2023? Ik kijk hiervoor naar beursgenoteerde bedrijven, jaarverslagen (AR) en informatie op het web.

Een aantal voorbeelden.

1. Flow Traders. Heeft van alle jaarverslagen sinds 2015, nooit coaching genoemd. In het verslag over 2022, komt er voor het eerst een referentie:

In total, employees undertook 10,733 training hours  during the course of 2022 which comprised of  onboarding, leadership training, mandatory training,  e-learnings and coaching programs. Many of our managers are ‘home-grown’, having developed into their positions after a number of  years working with the company. They set an example and act as an inspiration for new hires,  illustrating the career paths open to them. And to complement self-growth, we also like to give our employees the chance to transfer between our offices and experience life and work elsewhere.


Rapporteert niets over coaching, ook niet in 2022 AR. In 2018 is er een enkele en eenmalige referentie:

The “Smartest Smart Drinking Campaign” In 2018, we challenged our teams around the world to promote smart drinking messaging through innovative consumer-facing campaigns as part of an internal social  marketing campaign competition. Using the Social Marketing Toolkit and with coaching from social marketing experts, our marketing teams around the world developed 30 unique and promising smart drinking campaigns. (AB IN BEV AR 2018)

Website AB IN BEV, zoekend op coach levert 0 resultaten. (mei 2023)


2010. (Health and safety in the workplace)

Engineering & Maintenance introduced ergo coaches, or employees specially trained to advise colleagues on the optimum posture and  working methods from an ergonomic point of view. The effectiveness  of the program is currently being scientifically studied by researchers at Amsterdam’s VU University.


Gender equality and equal opportunities ...As part of this Inclusive Aviation Program, KLM this year introduced a dedicated job coach to raise awareness and streamline processes within KLM.

... From 2019 onwards, there will be a specific 2025 target in the Flight Plan for the number of women at the top levels of KLM. This means coordinated action is needed across a range of issues, from talent management and leadership development, to coaching, sponsorship and mentoring. This will create a steady pipeline of talented women for managerial and executive positions 

2019 (3x coach)

Air France offers Talent and Leadership programs like the training and coaching program known as Femmes de Talent aimed at enabling high - potential women to develop their skills within thecompany and occupy senior management positions, joint financial programs with the HEC business school for future managers and Focus on the Future programs to project talents into the company’s future.

For some years, Air France has been developing coaching and mentoring at different levels of the company and supporting employees with training leading to professional diplomas.

KLM health and safety. In order to perform optimally, good health is essential in that it contributes to a vital and happy life both inside and outside work. To this end, KLM introduced the MyHealth portal in

February 2019, a space where employees can find a comprehensive range of information on vitality and health. This resulted in more than 1,100 employees booking a trial vitality program through the new portal. In addition, a pilot took place to offer workshops and coaching on a dedicated e - health platform.

AIRFRANCE KLM in 2022 21x

1.developing leadership (coaching, mentoring, development assessments)

2. In line with the Group’s new leadership model, to support the challenges of the business and to accelerate its transformation, Air France updated the cross-functional skills reference framework

for executives and managers and rolled it out in 2022. It defines the required soft and hard skills with the levels of proficiency that executives and managers can call on to develop their teams and their own skills. To supplement the manager toolbox, the training and development offer has been enhanced accordingly, with assessment and self-assessment tools to measure skill gaps and better identify the relevant individual plans. For instance: 

  • > knowledge of self: transversal competencies auto-diagnostic, mirroring (“retour d’image”) 360°;
  • > individual coaching and mentoring;
  • > peer sharing: The Managers Lab program dedicated to managers numbered 450 participants in 2022 and the “Coup de Pouce” co-development initiative has embarked one hundred employees since its creation in June.
  • > knowledge of self: transversal competencies auto-diagnostic, mirroring (“retour d’image”) 360°;
  • > individual coaching and mentoring;
  • > peer sharing: The Managers Lab program dedicated to managers numbered 450 participants in 2022 and the “Coup de Pouce” co-development initiative has embarked one hundred employees since its creation in June. 

KLM and Air France continue to offer talent and leadership programs like the Femmes de Talent training and coaching program, aimed at enabling high-potential women to develop their leadership skills within the Group and occupy senior management positions.

4.  In May and June 2022, the Company successfully organized workshops for operational staff and managers along with individual career coaching involving approximately 80 employees. (p 224)

7. Internal coaching and mentoring continue to be offered at the different levels of the Company... supplemented by internal or external coaching and mentoring...

In 2022, Transavia Netherlands improved and expanded its team coaching product. With a team of more than a dozen internal coaches based on the roles it supported 40 teams with behavioral coaching and some fifty individuals within these teams with additional individual coaching. The airline also piloted its first team coaching product that combined behavioral and functional coaching (way of working) and a first multi-cultural team coaching workshop.

18. To encourage women to access the highest management positions, coaching and mentoring initiatives are in place to promote their career progression. In 2022, 40 participants benefited from the “Femmes de Talent” coaching program. The female leaders who completed the Female Leadership Program (FLP) in 2019-2021 now share their learning and experience with other aspiring female employees through a Female Leadership Workshop which has already benefited approximately 80 colleagues. [gender eq.]

20. Equal opportunities within the Group: persons with disabilities Throughout the Covid-19 public health crisis and despite a challenging economic situation, the Air France – KLM Group has reaffirmed its commitment to welcoming persons with disabilities.

The 2021-23 Disability Agreement was signed in January 2021. Through this eleventh agreement, Air France reaffirms its desire to pursue an ambitious policy by maintaining the recruitment of people with disabilities, by pursuing actions on their employability, training and professional support via, in particular, coaching and co-development. Changes were also related to adapting workstations at home to encourage home working, suitable career support, the implementation of measures in favor of family carers and, more particularly, employees who are parents of children with disabilities.

21. My Vitality Check: Since good health is key to enjoying work and optimal performance, after a series of pilot programs, employees can now participate in a personal vitality survey:

“My Vitality Check” gives them insight into their health and vitality, and the factors that influence this. They also have an opportunity without obligation to discuss their results with vitality coaches. KLM collates information at group level (groups of at least 30 people) to be able to work on the most important points so as to be able to improve the employer proposition; [health, safety & quality of life in the workplace]

4. Aegon. Heeft geen specifieke informatie over coaching op haar website (NL). Ook in jaarverslagen zie je er weinig over terug... Een paar uitzonderingen zijn deze:
AEGON Nederland is hoofdsponsor van de schaatsbond en steunt de schaatssport in Nederland door training en coaching van regionaal jong talent. (AR 2003)

Overview of sales and distribution channels Retiready In April 2014, Aegon launched its Retiready digital access  service, which is designed to help customers understand their  readiness for retirement and help guide them to improve the  likelihood that they achieve their desired retirement outcome.
Retiready provides an ‘upgrade’ solution for those existing Aegon  customers without access to advice (be it through choice or  for economic reasons), enabling them to choose to upgrade to  new Self-Invested Pension Plan (SIPP) and Individual Savings  Accounts (ISA) products supported by a wealth of tools and  support including Score, Shop, Insight, Support and Coach (AR 2014)

AR 2018. Working with customers in financial difficulty – budget coaches in the Netherlands /cooperation with National Foundation for Credit Counseling in the US (SDG 1)

• Our Silver Starters program (developed jointly with the Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing) provides online entrepreneurship coaching to those over 50 years old, to promote lifelong learning, and healthy attitudes to aging. (AR 2022)

5. AMG. Van dit soort meer technisch georiënteerde bedrijven verwacht ik niet dat ze coaching noemen in hun rapportages. En dat is ook niet zo...

6. BASF. Alleen al zoeken op de website naar Coach, levert 821 hits op. Coaching is bij BASF een serieuze aangelegenheid! Echter,

In Jaarverslagen (valt de aandacht voor coaching toch wat tegen):
Similar programs are available in other regions, too: In Asia Pacific, for  example, we run an internal training and further development  course for leaders to become coaches (2016 - is het eerste verslag waar coaching wordt genoemd)

2018. This actively  nurtures promising business ideas with the help of external experts,  who act as consultants, coaches, mentors or intermediaries, and quickly bring these to market readiness. 
Balancing personal and professional life ▪ Wide range of offerings for different phases of life Our identity as an employer includes our belief in supporting our  employees in balancing their personal and professional lives. We  want to strengthen their identification with the company and our position in the global competition for qualified personnel. To achieve this, we have a wide range of offerings aimed at employees in different phases of life. These include flexible working hours, part-time employment and mobile working. Regional initiatives specifically  address the needs of our employees at a local level. Our Work-Life Management employee center in Ludwigshafen (LuMit) offers a number of services under one roof: childcare, fitness and health,  social counseling and coaching as well as other programs to help  employees balance professional and personal life. We also provide social counseling and coaching at the Münster and Schwarzheide sites in Germany as well as in Asia, South Africa and North America  to help employees overcome difficult life situations and maintain their employability.

2021 net als 2020 gaat ook en enkel in op dit "Balancing personal and professional life... Our Work-Life Management employee center in Ludwigshafen, Germany, (LuMit) offers a number of services under one roof: childcare, fitness and health, and social counseling and coaching offered by BASF Stiftung.

Het 2022 jaarverslag noemt niets over coaching! 

7. Forfarmers. Een bedrijf dat veevoer levert voor de agrarische sector. Niet direct waar je coaching verwacht. Maar toch... Website mei 2023:
Behaviour also plays a role. “We also try to make improvements in implementation”, Remco continues. “Increasing sustainability largely depends on our behaviour. We coach drivers to drive more economically, and we share knowledge about sustainable logistics with colleagues in all countries. In every country, logistics managers are very keen on these kinds of developments. Initiatives come from different sides.”

To develop personal leadership, implement strategy, promote the ForFarmers mission and coach employees (masterclass senior management, AR 2018)

To develop leadership skills, implement strategy, promote the ForFarmers mission and coach employees

Develop: ForFarmers training programmes ForFarmers likes to see its employees get a little bit more
out of themselves every day, under the motto ‘keep learning’. ForFarmers supports this with a broad selection of general training programmes ranging from specific academies to leadership programmes. There are also specific training courses, for example on coaching, train the trainer, time management, and giving and receiving feedback

... A new leadership programme ‘Lead to Grow’ has been developed for the roughly 300 managers within the ForFarmers organisation, as part of the strategy and
based on the core value Ambition. The goal of this programme is to translate the strategy into concrete
actions for the various teams and subsequently how to coach and manage individuals and teams on achieving the relating objectives (AR 2020)

8. Fugro. Begint in jaarverslagen, pas in 2021 over coaching te praten. Sporadisch. De website geeft 0 resultaten bij "Coach"

Fugro’s international leadership track aims to attract and accelerate the development of highly talented 
university graduates. During a 2.5 year international traineeship, participants are challenged with diverse international assignments, supported by training opportunities, a senior mentor and a coach. 
They develop a broad understanding of the organisation, establish a network and build cross-functional relationships, all of which prepare them for key positions within the company. In 2022, eight 
graduates commenced this track. In 2023, the programme will be further expanded. ar 2022, talent attraction, learning and development.

Fugro will continue to encourage more women to join its workforce and to take on more responsibilities by implementing its gender equality plan. Fugro’s gender equality plan consists of a set of commitments, such as a pledge to foster gender equity and the target to increase the representation of women in senior management positions, as well as various actions to support structural change such as setting up coaching circles, leader lunches and employee-led groups to foster a diverse, inclusive workplace by bringing together employees with shared identities and interests.

9. Galapagos. Jaarverslagen sinds 2010 benoemen voor het eerst in 2019 de term coaching:
▪ 85 % van het personeel nam deel aan de Performance Boost-sessies om de kwaliteit en maturiteit
van prestatie- en coachinggesprekken te verbeteren. Daarnaast werd al onze medewerkers een
feedbacktool aangereikt om hen te helpen hun perspectieven te verruimen en hun vaardigheden aan
te scherpen (2019)

De volgende keer is dan in het verslag over 2022:

We bieden competitieve en evoluerende beloningspakketten om onze werknemers te belonen, te erkennen, te ontwikkelen en te behouden op een manier die aansluit bij de strategie en cultuur van het bedrijf. Door middel van een prestatiecyclus tweemaal per jaar, streven wij naar een open en ondersteunende professionele omgeving. Prestatiebonussen en, voor veel werknemers, aandelen-gerelateerde mogelijkheden, helpen om duurzame prestaties en betrokkenheid te stimuleren en belonen werknemers voor hun bijdrage aan ons succes. Als onderdeel van de prestatiecyclus hebben wij
ook onze investeringen in de ontwikkeling en betrokkenheid van onze werknemers verhoogd, door ons te richten op leer-, coachings- en opleidingsmogelijkheden. Daarnaast hebben we “Hoe gaat het met je?”-gesprekken ingevoerd om een open dialoog tussen manager en medewerker te stimuleren, en departementale “Talent Talks”, gericht op ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden binnen en buiten de verschillende afdelingen. (duurzaamheidsverslag)

Kort na het aantreden van onze nieuwe CEO werd een herziene strategie uitgestippeld, waarbij het bedrijf werd geherstructureerd rond onze twee strategische therapiedomeinen, immunologie en oncologie. Als onderdeel van de strategische uitbreiding in oncologie, leidden we de due diligence, het inwerken en de integratie van nieuwe collega’s bij CellPoint en AboundBio, respectievelijk in
Nederland en de VS. Een ander onderdeel van de transformatie was de omvorming naar een aangepaste fit-for-purpose organisatie, en we kondigden een herstructurering aan met mogelijke impact op 200 functies. Op drie locaties organiseerden we sessies in persoon om medewerkers te coachen in het omgaan met verandering en onzekerheid. In totaal volgden meer dan 150 medewerkers deze
sessies en meer dan 85% van de deelnemers beoordeelde ze als ‘nuttig’

AM is benoemd tot Chief Human Resources Officer en lid van het Directiecomité bij Galapagos. Ze vervoegde Galapagos in februari 2018 als Vice President Human Resources om een deskundig HRteam te vormen en op te bouwen dat een bedrijfsgroei mogelijk maakt, en om de transformatie van Galapagos tot een geïntegreerd biofarmaceutisch bedrijf met een internationale opzet te leiden. In
2020 werd ze benoemd tot Senior Vice President Human Resources en strategisch adviseur van de CEO en het Directiecomité. Voordat ze bij Galapagos kwam, bekleedde ze diverse global senior HR-functies
bij GSK. Ze begon haar carrière bij Proximus, en verwierf na verloop van tijd een diepgaande expertise in belangrijke HR expertises, waaronder Training & Development, Talent Acquisition and Reward en HR Business Partnership rollen. Mw. M. behaalde een
Master in Romeinse Filologie aan de KU Leuven, een DEA in Italiaanse Cultuur en Taalkunde aan de Paris IV Sorbonne (Frankrijk) en L’Università Cattolica di Milano. In de loop der jaren vulde ze haar opleiding aan met diverse certificaten in systemische psychologie en coaching en met bedrijfscursussen, zo onder meer van INSEAD, Fontainebleau (Frankrijk).

Op de website spreekt men ook over coaching, en dan blijkt dat 2022 een soort keerpunt is:
A revised strategy was set-out soon after onboarding our new CEO, redesigning the company around our two strategic therapy areas, immunology and oncology, as core value drivers. As part of this strategic expansion in oncology, we led the due diligence, onboarding and integration of new colleagues at CellPoint and AboundBio, in the Netherlands and the U.S. respectively. Another part of the transformation was the reset towards a fit-for-purpose organization, and we announced a restructuring potentially affecting 200 positions. We organized face-to-face sessions on three locations to coach employees in dealing with change and insecurity. In total, over 150 employees attended these sessions and more than 85% of the participants rated them as ‘helpful’

10. Philips. Laat wel coaching zien, maar niet overdreven veel. Sommige coaching is deel van hun apps, en producten. Sommige oudere jaarverslagen noemen iets over coaching, maar niet uitgebreid.

WEBSITE : zoeken op "coach" levert: 3 artikelen:
1.I would have to say, starting my career in Philips was a significant and good decision. Even during the first part of my journey back in 2014 as an intern, I compared my experience with my other friends from school and saw a stark difference. I got to work on a large-scale project and received great coaching and visibility in the company. (Pushing for Change by Starting Conversations | Philips)
2. Yong Liang: I am Yong Liang, a Team Lead within the PPS team. My duties as a Team Lead include coaching and mentoring a team of HR specialists, and also working on process improvement projects. (Philips People Services: Managing resources with a human touch)
3. With the Team Lead role, I also provide internal support, such as mentoring and coaching younger colleagues and implementing process improvements. (My career at Philips – starting from Intern to Team Lead)

EN: 28 producten, zoals:
with Bluetooth® wireless technology and interactive coaching app work together to help ... In a survey, 98% of parents said it’s easier to get their child to brush longer and better*. Personal brushing coach Children navigate the app with the help of their training partner “Sparkly,” whose ...

EN 191 x News (over coaching): 
Philips launches Pediatric Coaching to enhance MR imaging patient experience for young children

Meaningful health coaching needs clinical expertise....At Philips, the advice we provide through our digital coaching solutions is 

 new remuneration policy has been established for the -plus Philips Executives. This policy ensures
the compensation of the Executives according to competitive benchmarks in the various countries. One
of the key features is a stock option program, which ties the pay-out to shareholder value creation
compared to a set of peer companies. The leadership development efforts for Executives, which started in ..., have been intensified. For instance, an Executive Coaching program is being rolled out in the Philips Leadership Group.

Leadership development has been further intensified. The existing programs based on the Philips Leadership Competencies have been upgraded and a number of new ones have been launched. In particular, the deployment of 360 degrees assessment, combined with intensive coaching, has been taken further into the executive population and beyond. Philips sees particularly effective outcomes from this form of leadership development. We will take this process further in the next year, in order to give a yet larger group of business leaders an opportunity to develop their leadership competence

2009. innovative new approach to fitness
DirectLife is “sense and simplicity”, quite literally, “in action”. It combines smart technology with proven coaching methods to make our busy lifestyles more active. And it creates awareness on how active you are and helps you set balanced and achievable goals to increase your daily activity levels.

2014. Developing our people. Our drive to build a learning organization which is leader led has progressed significantly, and the Philips University was launched formally in Q4. Philips
University is embracing 70:20:10 as part of the long-term journey to build a learning culture that allows us to become a learning organization: 70% of learning is carried out on the job, 20% through coaching and mentoring (through others), and the remaining 10% through formal learning methods (classroom and e-learning) 

2018. 20% Coaching and mentoring In 2018, all leadership programs in Philips University
included a coaching and/or mentoring element. In Shifting Gears (Executive Leadership Program)
participants are coached by an executive coach and  mentored by an Executive Committee member as part of their application projects. In Leading Adaptively (Senior Leadership Program) participants are coached by an executive coach, as well as a peer coaching group and an accountability partner.
Two other Senior Leadership Programs, Leading Teams and License to Lead, have built coaching and mentoring capability through leaders learning how to do this most effectively and practicing with each other and their teams. In 2019 we will drive the coaching and mentoring culture of our leaders through the following leadership programs:
• Leading Teams / • Leading People / • Leading Adaptively / • Shifting Gears
The Women in Action program will also be introduced, with female leaders becoming and seeking out coaches and mentors within the organization.

2022 AR: (6x)

Inclusion and diversity. We introduced the Employee Assistance Program to provide employees, their relatives and people leaders with psychological, financial, legal and professional counselling. We launched the Women’s Network Poland, which brings together 300 female employees, to empower women to grow through coaching and experience sharing.

Our leaders play a crucial role in developing our people. To best support our leaders in this, we have invested in our company-wide leadership framework (Philips Leadership Asks), which is embedded in the Philips Business System, as well as a global portfolio of development assets such as Leadership Journeys, Leadership Programs, Masterclasses, Team Effectiveness solutions, Coaching & Mentoring, Development Centers and Assessments. The Leadership Journeys are facilitated multi-day immersive experiences, in which a selected senior management group focuses on core business challenges as well as the behavioral shifts needed to accelerate results. Masterclasses focusing on strategic capabilities are
organized for our most senior managers. The content of these masterclasses has been made available for all our leaders through playlists to enable further cascading into our organization.
The learning programs were differentiated across target groups, aligned with our diversity objectives. All these programs consist of various elements, including assessments, (peer) coaching, workshops, action learning and individual learning based on pre-work and reflection exercises. The Philips continuous feedback process is embedded in these programs as part of the learning journey. Team effectiveness solutions offered include playbooks, team diagnostic tooling, and assessment tooling (including 180/360 feedback) for individual leaders.

Reported concerns: Follow-up action
Depending on the outcome of the investigation, appropriate follow-up action is taken. Follow-up action can be remedial and/or disciplinary in nature. Remedial action can vary from strengthening the business processes, training and coaching, to increasing awareness of the expected standard of business conduct. Disciplinary measures may include written warnings and termination of employment. In 2022, disciplinary action was taken in 105 cases, and remedial action in 194.

11. PostNL. Heeft geen informatie over coaching op haar website. wel in het (2022) jaarverslag:

Pilot with job coaches. PostNL offers work that is ideally suited for people with a distance to the labour market. In addition to collaborating with social enterprises, in 2022 Mail in the Netherlands conducted
a pilot with a number of in-house job coaches to determine if we could directly employ people from this target group ... the job coaches proved their added benefit in helping us support those who need additional direction to do their job.
For senior management with an individual labour contract, we strive for at least one-thirdwomen and one-third men by 2025. To achieve this, we are focusing on coaching and succession planning aimed at talented women within PostNL.

Jaarverslag 2011.

Work to work accompaniment. Since the middle of 2006, PostNL has been trying to help the affected employees find new jobs through its Mobility (assisted voluntary re-employment) programme, which has guided over 5,800 employees from work to work over the years. Through six mobility centres, employees are supported in their search to find a new job outside PostNL. This support includes workshops, training and outplacement. Specialised job coaches are available to support candidates in finding a suitable new employer and preparing for job interviews. 
Training for new positions. While the redesign in the Netherlands makes staff redundant, it also
significantly changes other positions at PostNL. Those employees whose jobs are changed by the restructuring are trained and coached to ensure they are well prepared for their new roles
... In addition to the programmes described above, PostNL offers its employees a series of skill- and competency-related training opportunities, through courses, e-learning or coaching. Personal
coaching is an effective means of personal development. That is why PostNL developed an internal coaching platform, consisting of qualified staff specifically trained to be an internal coach. The
coaching is result-driven and always work related.

Jaarverslag 2020. Culture and behaviour. At PostNL, we run an Orange Compass programme to steer our culture and behaviour.This helps guide all of us within the company on how to put the desired customer experience first, supported  by the right employee behaviour, working environment and 
leadership. Since2019wehavehelda seriesoftrainings andevents  to strengthen this message, such as coaching senior management  on the behavioural elements included in the compass, so that 
they could create a better work environment for their teams. We have also run ambassador sessions and training exercises to  help our people better connect with PostNL's goal of being our customers' favourite deliverer. And we have integrated the Orange Compass behaviours into our business learning and leadership  development programmes
In 2020, the employee turnover rate slightly improved. Investments in onboarding and better coaching during the first period of employment, as well as the effects of Covid-19 on the labour market helped to reduce the percentage of voluntary turnover in 2020.

12. Just-Eat TakeAway.
Op de website geen informatie over coaching. Het laatste jaarverslag 2022, ook niet. Ook oudere verslagen niet. Eerste indruk hiervan is: JET is een jong bedrijf, en heeft geen coachingscultuur waar meer oudere medewerkers worden getrained om nieuwe uitdagingen aan te gaan.

13. Vopak. Allereerst de website, daar komt coaching 7x voor:

Showing 1-7 results of 7 for keyword "coach". Deze zijn allen uit de WeConnect foundation, een organisatie gericht om armoede in de regio van Vopak bedrijven tegen te gaan, door verbindingen aan te gaan:
  • Vopak WeConnect Projects
  • … who have difficulty in processing theoretical information. Coaching Youngsters - Rotterdam, The Netherlands Empowering … people with intervention methodology through basketball, coaching, and workshops to empower them. External …
  • WeConnect project 'Humans Like Us'
  • … in both Darwin and Sydney will guide them by providing job coaching and (vocational) training so that they will be able …
  • Australia - Humans Like Us
  • … in both Darwin and Sydney will guide them by providing job coaching and (vocational) training so that they will be able … in both Darwin and Sydney will guide them by providing job coaching and (vocational) training so that they will be able …
  • WeConnect project JINC
  • … tools to make their dreams come true through career coaching, skills training and practicing interviewing …
  • Netherlands - Explore your talents
  • … tools to make their dreams come true through career coaching, skills training and practicing interviewing … tools to make their dreams come true through career coaching, skills training and practicing interviewing …
  • Pakistan - Tech4Empowerment
  • … firms are there to meet with the students monthly to coach and mentor them.   At the end of the project, all … firms are there to meet with the students monthly to coach and mentor them.   At the end of the project, all …
  • WeConnect project #Tech4Empowerment
  • … firms are there to meet with the students monthly to coach and mentor them.   At the end of the project, all …
Jaarverslagen: incidenteel en gericht gebruik van coaching in specifieke situaties maar zeker niet structureel gebruik:

Our commitment to the communities where we operate. We strive to be a responsible and active member of the communities in which weoperate. This includes engaging with the community on topics that matter locally, hiring and training local staff, stimulating economic growth through business
investments and minimizing harm to people’s health and the environment. With the Vopak WeConnect Foundation, we have contributed to empowering young people in our local communities and broadening their horizons for more than five years. The Vopak WeConnect projects are led by Vopak and joint venture employees and include a broad range of activities such as life skills, career coaching,
and entrepreneurship. After a dip due to Covid-19, which made physical engagement with local schools and organizations impossible in many locations, project numbers have been increasing steadily over the past year. In 2021 and 2022, with the support of NGOs or other local partners we have started, launched
or completed 27 Vopak WeConnect projects around the globe. 


Employee satisfaction and engagement. In January 2011, the biannual worldwide survey into the 
extent of employee satisfaction and engagement was conducted. All employees were given the opportunity to participate, and the 86% response rate was overwhelming. The Engagement Score, which reflects the extent of satisfaction, engagement and pride, increased from 7.5 to 7.6 on a scale of 1 to 10. The worldwide outcomes have been studied in detail and revealed a number of points 
which require our full attention, such as the opportunities for personal development, the quality of coaching and inviting people to solicit feedback. In addition, the Vopak divisions have identified specific items to put on the agenda for the various regions. 

Talent development
Human capital is one of the most valuable assets of our business. As a company we want to grow and for this reason we need to employ the best people. To achieve this, we aim to further improve the deployment and quality of our employees through systematic coaching and training. 

People development Human capital is one of the most valuable assets of our business. As a company we want to grow and for this reason we need to employ the best people. To achieve this, we aim to further improve the quality of our employees through systematic coaching and training. I

The number of training hours per division shows that Vopak employees spend a substantial amount of time on training each year. Besides formal training as measured by the hour, training and coaching on the job and best practice sharing are also an important, informal way, of training

bij risico's
Motivation, retention and leadership programs are key
• Motivation and retention are achieved through competitive remuneration packages and the creation of
an empowering and supportive environment, aligned with our Vopak Values
• Management programs focus on coaching, staff development and inclusiveness

Fluid movement of staff between locations enables not only experienced staff to be where needed but also provides local staff with the opportunity to be coached and trained for future leadership potential

14. WereldHave. In het 2022 jaarverslag geen referentie aan coaching. Ook de website niet. Bij oudere verslagen: ook niet.
Sommige bedrijven speelt coaching gewoon geen rol. Wereldhave is natuurlijk een zeer kleine organisatie, hetgeen ook aangeeft dat coaching niet overal bruikbaar is.

15. ING Groep. Allereerst op de website, daar levert zoeken op coach vele (maar niet gespecificeerd in aantallen) resultaten:
  • 7 March 2023 | Sustainability
  • Financial health
  • ... investments. We offer smart digital investment tools like My Money Coach in Italy, Naranja+ in Spain, Easy...

  • 30 November 2022 | About us
  • Strategy: Do your thing!
  • ... life and in business - represents our belief in people’s potential. We don’t judge, coach or tell...
  • [Our purpose - empowering people to stay a step ahead in life and in business - represents our belief in people’s potential. We don’t judge, coach or tell people how to live their lives. However big or small, modest or grand, we empower people and businesses to realise their own vision for a better future.]
  • 30 November 2022
  • Strategy
  • ... life and in business - represents our belief in people’s potential. We don’t judge, coach or tell...

  • When it all gets too much7 October 2021
  • When it all gets too much
  • ...Sandra van Scheppingen is an Agile coach at COO/Global Know Your Customer. A few years ago, her ... When it all gets too much Sandra van Scheppingen is an Agile coach at COO/Global Know Your ... . And I talked to the wellbeing coach at ING in the Netherlands. When I returned to work, I was lucky...

  • Stash or stocks? 17 June 2021 | Innovation
  • Stash or stocks?
  • .... Some customers can also get help from an investment coach via video chat. “We know that for many ... countries, like Coach Epargne in France and Easy Invest in the Netherlands. Komfort-Anlage is based on ING ... other countries quickly and easily. What friends and family say about Komfort-Anlage… “The coach...

  • Investing - a beginners’ guide31 August 2017 | Banking, Innovation, Financial decision-making
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  • ... countries by the end of this year. Play video Video explaining MyMoneyCoach in 60 seconds. [01:00] Let ... you don’t have a clue about investing? In Spain, you can now ask ‘ My Money Coach ’ for advice. It ... ? Play video Clients from ING in Spain talk about what they think of MyMoneyCoach, and how it has...

  • The rise of the digital advisor9 May 2016 | Banking
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  • ...ING customers in France can now be their own financial advisers, thanks to the launch of Coach ... financial advisers, thanks to the launch of Coach Epargne, a digital instructor on money matters. Coach ... intervention. Coach Epargne takes a customer’s financial situation, savings goals and investment risk profile...

  • A financial advisor in your pocket27 July 2016 | Banking, Innovation
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  • ... the latest idea to become a reality is “My Money Coach”. A personal financial coach My Money Coach ... attitude and financial knowledge, My Money Coach designs a personalised savings and investments plan to ... your pocket, available anytime and anywhere. It is based on ING France’s “ CoachEpargne ”, which was...

  • Saving money, one idea at a time30 May 2018 | Economics, Financial decision-making
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  • ... Duro (MoneyCoach), Lior Bornshtain (Otly!), Lino Pujol (Quotanda) & Ka Lim (Limitless). Otly ... definitely more to come!’ Otly! CEO & co-founder Lior Bornshtain presenting at the TFI Summit. MoneyCoach ... . This will allow users to see more about their specific future.’ MoneyCoach CEO Perjan Duro presenting...

  • Germany goes robo!14 September 2017 | Banking, Innovation
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  • ... and product selection. How is this service different from say My Money Coach and similar services ... ? Like My Money Coach , customers can on-board and follow their portfolio end-to-end using a mobile ... device. With My Money Coach, the customer receives a one-off proposal to buy a selection of the eight...
2022: The results of these conversations are fed into the individuals’ coaching and development plans (Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee)

16. Shell
Zoekend op de website, naar coaching geeft 8 resultaten (Shell. com Global):

8 results found (maar slechts een daarvan is goed terug te vinden ocer coaching):

Productivity . “Do it yourself” software development: the power is in your hands - Fernando’s story demonstrates the importance of a “digital-for-all" culture. It brings innovation capability directly into the hands of everybody in Shell and has the potential to attract new talent, who expect to be able to develop digital solutions themselves. To match the infectious energy of our citizen developers, we have set up a change campaign to drive the upskilling journey. We created a dedicated digital curriculum to support, facilitate, guide and coach. Bootcamps and hackathons bring people together - staff and leaders alike - to learn from each other, which in turn enriches the positive appetite for citizen development around the company.

2022: 1x genoemd.
People are our most important asset and we believe in developing our employees. Career progression tools, such as an internal job portal, individual development plans, coaching and formal training have been in place for many years. We offer employees the opportunity to develop their careers within Shell, including rotations across different parts of the businesses to advance their skills and progress. 

Oudere jaarverslagen: coaching komt niet prominent voor...

Een aantal voorlopige Conclusies.




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