Instant vertrouwen (2)

 Gedurende meer dan drie decennia heeft Paul McKenna tientallen miljoenen mensen geholpen hun leven te verbeteren met hypnose, NLP en Haven. Met behulp van de nieuwste psychologische technieken traint Paul je lichaam en geest stap voor stap om angstgevoelens te beheersen en diepe vrede in jezelf te ervaren (bron:

De eerste keer dat ik dit boek las, was in 2019. Ik weet niet goed hoe ik het boek gevonden had, maar het thema vertrouwen interesseerde me als economisch en psychologisch fenomeen. Waarom heeft de een wel zelfvertrouwen en de ander niet. Of minder? 

Nu [voorjaar 2023] ik bezig ben met het boek over coaches, lees ik het werk opnieuw en met andere ogen. Ik begrijp nu dat McKenna de NLP techniek gebruikt, en sinds ik daar iets meer over gelezen heb, merk je dat bij het lezen.

NLP dus.

Ik las het van het weekend opnieuw, en het boek maakt nu niet echt indruk op me. De trucjes vallen me nu meer op. Wanneer ik zie dat ik over mijn ogen moet wrijven, dan haak ik af...

Wat me wel aansprak was het groot aantal uitspraken van bekende personen. Een daarvan viel me vooral op: ... Denk aan de toekomst, dat is waar ik de rest van mijn leven doorgabrengen... (*)

  •  Don't compromise yourself, you are all you have got , Janice Joplin
  • A jug fills drop by drop, A buddhist saying [naast de gradual confidence booster]
  • Be yourself, everybody else is already taken, Oscar Wilde
  • I still feel like if gotta prove something. There is a lot of people, hoping that i fail. But i like that, i need to bee hated,  HOward Stern
  • Those how cannot change their mind, cannot change anything , George Bernard Shaw
  • We first make our habbits, then our habbits make us,  John Dryden [The awesome force of habit]
  • Good words are worth much, and cost little, George Herbert [The power of positive self-talk]
  • I never hit a shot, not even in practice, without having a very sharp in-focus picture in my head, Jack Nicklaus
  • The human race is governed by its imagination, Napoleon
  • Nothing is more reveealing than movement, Martha Graham [use your body to change your life]
  • We have tamed the beast and schooled the lightning... but we still have to tame ourselves, H.G. Wells [emotional intelligence]
  • There can be no knowledge withou emotion, Arnold Bennet
  • It-s a lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and i believe in myself, Muhammed Ali [Self belief]
  • Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way, Arnold Schwarzenegger,
  • The best teachers of humaniy are the lives of great men, Charles Fowler [you really can do anything]
  • Examples has more followers than reason, John Christian Bovee
  • Everything is practice, Pele [The 5-minutes daily confidence workout]
  • What we see depends mainly on what we look for, Sir John Lubbock [What motivates you]
  • Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is striving for his goals [goals, goals, goals]
  • We all have the ability. The difference is how we use it, Stevie Wonder
  • Nothing is particular hard if you divide it into small jobs, Henry Ford
  • You don-t have to see the complete staircase, just take the first step, Martin Luther King [Get the action habit]
  • I'am always doing things i can-t do, that is how i get to do them, Pablo Picasso
  • Argue for you limitations and sure enough they are yours, Richard Bach
  • There are costs and risks to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction, JFK [The currency of the Gods]
  • Failure is an attitude, not an outcome, Harvey Mackay [Don't take "no" for an answer]
  • If you are going through hell, keep going, Churchill
  • let me tell you the secret that led to my goal: my strenght lies solely in my tenacity, Louis Pasteur [onderdeel: building resilience]
  • Being defeated is often a temporary condition, Giving up, is what it makes permanent,  Marilyn von Savant
  • My interest is in the future, because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there, Charles Kettering [Create a compelling positieve future]
  • If you realy want something, you can find a way to make it possible, Cher [hardopdenkend: als je iets niet echt wil, zal je het ook niet verkrijgen?]
  • Succes is the sum of small efforst repeated day in day out, Robert Collier [Your daily action plan for success]
  • Ask yourself, if I had only 60 seconds on the podium, what would i absolutely have to say to get my message across, Jeff Dewar [Public speaking]
  • Confidence contributes more to conversation than wit, Francois de la Rochefoucauld [Dating and sex, from self conscious to self confident]
  • Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed from the things you did not do than from the things you did, Mark Twain  [Leaving a bad situation]

Inspirerend. Maar,...



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