Risico's (en trends) van WEF
The Global Risks Report 2019
Een plaatje zegt meer dan duizend woorden:
Bron (World Economic Forum): https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Global_Risks_Report_2019.pdf
- Economic confrontations/frictions between major powers
- Erosion of multilateral trading rules and agreements
- Political confrontations/frictions between major powers
- Cyber-attacks: Theft of data/money
- Cyber-attacks: disruption of operations and infrastructure
- Loss of confidence in collective security alliances
- Populist and nativist agendas
- Media echo chambers and “fake news”
- Domestic political polarization
- Personal identity theft
- Erosion of global policy coordination on climate change
- Inequality (within countries)
- Loss of privacy (to companies)
- Regional conflicts drawing in major power(s)
- Destruction of natural ecosystems
- Protectionism against foreign workers
- Public anger against elites
- Water crises
- High levels of youth unemployment
- Loss of privacy (to governments)
- Protectionism regarding trade and investment
- Foreign interference in domestic politics
- Air pollution
- Job losses due to technology
- Weak economic growth
- Authoritarian leadership
- Concentration of corporate power
- High levels of crisis-driven or economic migration
- Debt defaults (public or private)
- State-on-state military conflict or incursion
- Erosion of constitutional and civil society checks on gov’t
- Civil unrest (including strikes and riots)
- Erosion of free speech/assembly
- Bubbles in stock and other asset prices
- Deep or widespread poverty
- Currency crises
- Corrupt ties between business and government
- lnterethnic or inter-religious violence
- Violation of human rights
- Violent crime
- Current levels of globalization
- Terrorist attacks
De categorieën zijn: economie, milieu, maatschappij, technologie en geopolitiek.